How to Treat Sensitive Skin With Acne

Having to deal with sensitive skin on a daily basis is already difficult enough, but when you are suffering from acne as well, things can take a turn for the worst. Although you have sensitive skin, there are several different ways that you can manage your acne and keep it under control.


Maintaining a clean face is a more difficult task than you realize. Even though your face only needs to be washed two times each day, this can be a difficult task to keep up with. For the people who are busy and have several things to deal with throughout the day, such as children, work, and tasks around the home, cleaning your face can easily slip your mind. When the face is not washed or cleansed properly, dirt and oil will build up in the pores, thus causing blackheads and other facial imperfections.
Cleansing Pt. 2

When you are cleansing your face and other areas of your body, keep in mind that there is no need to scrub. A lot of people are under the impression that they can scrub acne and other facial imperfections away, but this is simply a myth. In reality, you are causing your skin to endure other issues, such as blackheads. When you scrub your skin, you are spreading acne around to other parts of your body.


Exfoliating your skin is a great thing, but if you are not careful, you could be causing more harm to your skin than you realize. Exfoliating the skin is similar to cleansing the skin. If you practice this method too much, your current issue will become worse, and you may have to deal with new issues. To remain on the safe side, make sure that you exfoliate when you clean your face. This is a great way to keep up with a schedule and keep track of what has been done.

As far as moisturizers are concerned, there are several myths about it. Moisturizing is great for your skin, but you will get better results when you take the time to personalize your moisturizer. There are several different moisturizers available, and it may be difficult to tell which product will benefit you the most. Here, it will be best if you consider your skin type and how your skin reacts to certain products and ingredients.

If you suffer from sensitive skin, you will need to invest in a moisturizing product that has been specially formulated to benefit those with sensitive skin. In any event, most sensitive skin products are very mild, and should be fragrance free.

Learn more about best acne treatments and what products for acne can do for you.
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An Effective Home Treatment for Back Acne

Acne plagues people of all ages. And, when it comes to treating acne, most of us envisage face packs, peels and creams to treat facial acne. What if you have acne on your back? Have you ever thought of methods to treat it? Leave alone the appearance. What about the itching and irritation? Can you imagine how infuriating it can be? Well, there is an effective topical solution that can be incorporated in your skin care routine. Now, if that brings a sigh of relief, read on to learn the role of Epsom salt in treating back acne.

What is Epsom salt? It is naturally occurring magnesium sulfate derived from sea water. It consists of magnesium sulfate crystals and has valuable medicinal properties that can help reduce acne, relieve sore muscles or joints, and serve as a magnesium supplement. Epsom salt works as an acne medicine by penetrating your skin. In other words, its therapeutic property is attributed to your skin's capability to absorb the mineral. While magnesium acts as a stress reliever, sulfur has antiseptic properties that are helpful in treating acne, warts and herpes. It is cheap and readily available at a chemist's store or grocery store.

That said, you're probably curious to know how to use Epsom salt as a natural cure for back acne. Perhaps, you're concerned about how to reach your back! Well, that's the main issue that Epsom salt treatment addresses. It is used in your bath. Add about a cup of Epsom salt into your bathtub while the water is running. Soak in the bath and relax for about a quarter of an hour. Remember not to mix it with other products, such as bath foam. The quarter-hour soak promotes circulation and absorption to rejuvenate your skin. The magnesium present in Epsom salt activates enzymes and assists in the regulation of skin nutrients, such as Vitamin D, zinc and potassium. The sulfur flushes out toxins and improves the nutrient absorbing capacity of your body.

Never rub the salt directly on your skin as it is abrasive and may cause skin damage. Another point to remember is that magnesium may interfere with calcium absorption. So, keep an eye on your calcium intake so as to prevent any deficiencies. Though topical acne solutions can bring the necessary relief, you must address other areas that affect your health, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress etc. Adequate fluid intake can help keep your skin hydrated. Vitamins have a crucial role in all your bodily processes, including skin.

For instance, proper administration of Vitamin B5 can help your skin metabolize oil in a better way. This process is well-demonstrated in Clearade reviews. So, check whether you need acne vitamins or other health supplements.

Epsom salt can also be used as a scrub by mixing it with oatmeal. Alternatively, you may prepare a mask by mixing it with cognac, milk and lime juice. Or you can just soak cotton in a solution of Epsom salt and water and place it on the affected area for a few minutes. Or, mix about half a tablespoon of the salt in your daily cleansing lotion to benefit from its exfoliating property. So, Epsom salt can form a comprehensive natural acne treatment to address all your acne problems.

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. He has more resources about scientifically proven acne home remedies, including Clearade acne treatment.
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