Adult Acne: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Adult acne is also known as Rosacea. Acne is a very common problem in adults, and it can occur on the neck, back, shoulders, face, upper arms and chest.


Adult acne mainly starts with blackheads, which develop due to dead cells and oil blocking a pore. Red pimples are result of inflamed blackheads. These pimples are spread with dirty hands and may become infected. It may than become associated with a pustule or whitehead. Sometimes, acne may develop as the result of fluctuating hormones and/or vitamin deficiency.

The use of medicines containing bromides, iodides or chlorides, use of cosmetics and other drugs such as trimethadinile, corticosteroids, or phenytoin may cause adult acne.

In some cases, acne is caused by exposure to heavy oils, tars or greases. Other causes of adult acne include heredity, excessive exposure to sun rays, and stressful situations.

Symptoms of Adult Acne

Adult acne is the term for acne that starts or remains in the adult years. It is a common type of acne that may occur in the form of acne vulgaris, cystic acne, and acne rosacea.
Adult acne breakouts are related to stress created at the office, home and family responsibilities. Stress causes the body to produce hormonal steroids which produce chemical substances that concentrate on the skin in a disruptive way.

Because of this, it is strongly recommended to affected individuals to lower their stress levels in order to avoid an even greater deterioration of their acne.


Benzoyl Peroxide is very effective in removing mild to severe adult acne. It is available in creams, cleansers, lotions and gels. It has some side-effects such as dryness, dermatitis, allergic reactions or irritation.

Therefore, consult healthcare professionals before using it.

Antibiotics will be the preferred treatment by doctors to cure moderate to severe acne. Oral medications such as Minocycline, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, or Doxycycline are used to treat the acne. Side-effects of antibiotics may include upset stomach, lightheadedness, skin discoloration and a higher risk of sunburn.

Acnezine is an effective treatment for acne. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Revitol, and it includes the following 2 products:

- Acnezine Anti-Oxidant Capsules
- Acnezine Moisturizing Cream

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is a very expensive treatment for adult acne. Laser treatment for acne scars include V-Beam laser, Smoothbeam laser, Medilux, Ellipse IPL, and Fraxel laser - all different medical laser applications. The time required for this treatment will depend on the size of affected area. It will take about 15-20 minutes for remove the acne from a full face.

Homemade remedies for adult acne

Take one tablespoon of sandalwood powder and few drops of rosewater. Add the sandalwood powder to the rosewater and make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. And leave it for about 20 minutes. It reputedly gives great results.

Take two tablespoons of green clay, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of yogurt, take few drops of lavender oil and lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together and make a paste with rosewater. Apply it on the affected area. Let it dry fully and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Important tips

- Avoid vegetable oils, glycol, and greasy ointments
- Use only lavender oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil and jojoba oil
- Avoid spicy foods, sweets and fried foods
- Drink lots of water
- Avoid excess exposure to sun rays. Apply sunscreen lotion before going out in the sunlight
- Avoid excess stress and do physical exercises to help fight acne-causing bacteria

Vivian Tindall is the founder of Acnezine Reviews website which offers advice, tips, and general information about natural acne treatment. To read her latest review of Revitol Acnezine, please visit the provided link.
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Top 4 Effective Acne Tips That Work for Any Type of Skin

You are gearing up for that first date: dress laid out with shoes to match, jewelry carefully picked out, and hair done to perfection. You poise the make-up brush to your face, ready to be applied, and catch a glimpse of the only thing that could ruin your night: the dreaded acne breakout.

What exactly is acne?

Doctors describe it as a disease of the Pilosebaceous units or PSUs. Research shows that acne is caused by a blockage of hair, sebum and bacteria in the follicle of the PSU.

Cases of acne are commonly attributed to a genetic history, an overproduction of hormones, a bad diet, stress and exposure to bacterial surfaces. It can also be caused by skin irritation, inflammation, and scratching.

Still other causes maybe dead skin cells that accumulate and block the pores, medications which contain the substances lithium, barbiturates or androgens, or the use of anabolic steroids and amphetamines.

How can acne be cured?

There are various ways how the burdensome acne can be treated. Health experts say that the best way to cure skin problems is to treat them naturally. Here are some natural ways how you can cure and prevent acne:

Clear the hair off your face

If you're experiencing acne problems, it is best to pull your hair back from your face. If you have long bangs, use a clip to secure your bangs away from your forehead. Your hair has oils and dirt that may contribute to your breakouts. It is also advisable to constantly wash your hair especially after workouts.

Keep your pillow covers clean

It is mandatory to change your bed sheets and pillow covers regularly, at least once a week. Your pillow case covers absorbs the oils from your face every night and these dirt and oils may worsen your skin problems.

Wash your face twice a day

Ask your dermatologist if he has an acne soap to recommend to you. If this isn't the case and you want a store-bought acne soap, be sure to test the soap first for a few days to see the effect. Wash your face with a good acne soap just twice a day - once when you wake up in the morning and once before you sleep at night. Over washing your face will actually worsen your acne.

Include nutrients like vitamin A and Chromium in your diet

Vitamin A is effective in preventing acne because it reduces the production of sebum. At the same time, it also strengthens your skin's protective tissues. On the other hand, while Chromium is known as an effective weight loss supplement, it is actually also has excellent skin infection-healing properties.

Don't let acne stop you from having the time of your life, just simple healthy precautions will go a long way.

If you want to read more tips on how to take care of your skin the natural way, you can head over to Clear Skin HQ where you can find plenty of tips and useful advice on skin care
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Anti Acne Gels - Banish Your Blemishes For Ever

Acne is basically a skin rash that results in pimples and appears generally on the face as well as neck shoulders and back. This is caused by over active sebaceous glands. Oil clogs the pores resulting in such breakouts. It is also caused due to hormonal changes, imbalances and other psychological factors. While acne is common among teenagers, it is not uncommon amongst adults. Some women experience it during their menstrual cycle. It attacks both men and women and can range from mild to severe cases. A mild form of acne would mean having a few pimples and red bumps. But aggravated cases of acne can be quite painful with big painful red bumps all over the face, neck shoulders etc. It is also very ugly and can cause a big dent in one's self confidence and self esteem.

Apart from medical intervention, The main course of treatments include an effective cleansing regime to unclog pores and kill bacteria, applying toner to firm and close the open pores and regular application of anti acne gels to treat and contain the inflammation and prevent other breakouts.

Anti acne gels have been developed by pharma companies after extensive research on the skin types and causes of acne. Some of the main ingredients used to effectively tackle acne are Benzoyl Peroxide which helps reduce the number of bacteria on the skin surface, and helps in clearing black heads etc. Salicylic Acid targets removing dead skin cells and impurities of the skin while reducing the blackheads and white heads.

Anti acne gels also have Sulphur which is an important antibacterial agent that softens black spots and blemishes. Another key ingredient is Azelaic Acid which evens out skin discolorations, has antibacterial properties and reduces further acne breakouts.

Medicinal properties of anti acne gels target the acne while cooling the skin. They contain anti microbial, anti inflammatory properties that treat the acne and soothe the skin. The astringent tightens the pores; the antioxidants replenish the skin at a cellular level to regenerate new healthy cells, while the cooling soothing emollient properties accelerate the healing properties and controls further breakouts.

One has to maintain a careful and regular hygiene to cure, control and prevent acne. While the anti acne gel work on the external factors from the skin, it is also necessary to treat a person holistically from within.

Hormones play a important role in regulating the sebaceous glands and any imbalance in this needs to be medically treated. Healthy diet, adequate hydration for the body, exercise and stress free lifestyle plays a vital role in having a blemish free skin which radiates good health and happiness.

Anti acne gels are important in treating the acne at a cellular level. They target the problem effectively by cleansing, toning, treating and preventing further breakouts.
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