Foods That Cause Acne Breakouts

What are the foods which when consumed can trigger the onset of acne? There is no direct link between diet and acne, but what you should consider is that a healthy diet will makes you look good. When the body gets the essential nutrient, it is clearly shown on the individual's health. But there are some foods that enhance acne breakout. However, these foods may not be the same for everyone. Therefore, it is appropriate to identify these foods that cause acne and then try to avoid them.

Foods That Cause Acne Breakouts

Food allergies are the common cause of acne breakouts. Continuous toxic reactions take place in the body releasing lots of toxins. This leads to inflammation in the skin resulting in blocked pores, thus causing acne.

Let's take a look at some common food that causes acne.

Dairy foods

Researchers argue that dairy products may have a negative effect on the skin; milk being an example of a diary food that cause acne breakout. This is as a result of that the fat content and the hormones present in the milk. Note that not everyone that consumes milk has this problem. It is appropriate to the excessive consumption of this diary product.

Red Meat

There has been many cases where red meat is known to be the basis of their acne outbreak. Animal proteins are not easily digested as compared to the vegetable ones. The waste products left in the area may eventually be released through the film which consequences in acne.


Egg is one of the most popular food allergen that can cause acne. Egg yolk are considered to be most problematic, so egg lovers can still feel the thrill of egg whites.
Processed Foods

These foods contain a lot of preservatives and additives which are not suitable for your skin. They contain toxins which may operate acne breakouts. Artificial sweeteners can also be dangerous for an acne prone skin.


These foods are easily converted into sugar once consumed thus making them not suitable for acne prone skin. Several bacteria and parasites which cause acne and skin rashes feed on them. So try avoiding products made out of grains like bread, pasta, biscuits etc.


Caffeine is contained in foods like chocolates, coffee, tea and other cola drinks these foods are known to cause acne. Caffeine increases hormone production and can lead to serious acne breakouts.

Above were some foods that cause acne breakouts. This will go a long way to help you in identifying the foods (if any) that trigger acne in your case. Staying away from those foods can help generate a healthy and glowing skin. Also, eat plenty of fresh fruits and drink sufficient water to help flush out the toxins from your body. Regular exercises and a well-balanced diet are the key to a bright and beautiful skin. Hope this article on foods that cause acne is of significant help to you!

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How to Get Rid of Facial Acne Scars

Acne scars on face can be very disturbing; it affects your face and other areas in your body. Acne is considered a medical condition needing professional treatment. If you were suffering from the condition, it would be wise to waste no time visiting your dermatologist right now for treatment.

Acne on the Face - Dermabrasion

If you are serious about getting rid of dark spots on the face, try dermabrasion. Note that this is entirely different from micro-dermabrasion (it acts to remove the top layers of the dead surface skin cells in human faces) dermabrasion is rather a crude method effective enough to remove further layers. Think of sandpaper rubbed on your sensitive face and you'll get the idea. Unfortunately, this is the idea, and yet it's very effective.

Your dermatologist first numbs your face before removing the external layers of the skin using a special "sanding" process. You may have to count in a couple of weeks first for your recovery time, where the skin will scab in between. Once these scabs fall off eventually, you can expect new skin to emerge complete with its fresh and youthful glow. Patients with much darker or lighter skin would benefit much from this procedure while others are better off with another alternative.

Facial Acne Scars - Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is another effective way to get rid of dark blemishes on face for good. It's new, and you may have to contemplate about the fact that the process still has to go through a good number of trials to check for its long-term effects. This rather expensive process utilizes laser (CO2 laser and YAG laser system) to eradicate acne scarring. It works similarly with the concept of dermabrasion by removing your damaged skin's top layers to make way for healthy and new skin. Recover time can be completed in weeks, and you can expect your doctor to suggest applying topical ointments to help in the recovery. There will be times when bandages will be called for when the effects of acne scars on face are getting significant.

Facial Acne - Chemical Peel

Another effective alternative on how to get rid of acne scars on face would be to perform chemical peels. This is one effective treatment for lighter acne scarring conditions. Different acid types will be applied on your skin's top layer for 15 minutes before removing them. This procedure should peel off those damaged top layers. Swelling and redness are common after procedures, and recovery time can take from a day to weeks depending of course on the quantity of acid applied.

Acne Scars on Face - Receive the Punch Technique

Think of this particular technique as the best solution for folks with deep-pitted acne scars on face. Just like typical hair transplant procedures, a patch of scarred skin will be "punched" and then removed. A skin graft will be taken (usually the skin from behind a certain ear) and will be placed on the affected area. After completion, the process can be augmented with either dermabrasion or laser resurfacing.

These are just some of the known and popular methods to deal with the acne problem. Make your choice now and get rid of those dark spots for good.

Millions of people around the world deal with acne scarring long after their acne has disappeared. Acne scars on the face are emotionally and physically damaging, and proper care is needed to increase the healing process.
For more information on how you can treat your acne scars visit:
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