A dog encountered a rattlesnake and killed it; however, the dog
sustained a bite during the fight. Through instincts, the dog struggled
to a nearby watering hole, drank freely, and at times lay in the water.
Eventually, the dog recovered from the snake bite. What does that dog
instinctively know about the healing properties of water that we don't?
Consider this, water ranks as one of the best natural treatments for acne. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it! Especially in light of the many over-the-counter "miracle cures!" Caught you off guard didn't I? Hold that thought... coming back to water as a natural treatment for acne in a minute.
Answer this. Which organ in the body is the largest? Alright already... you're on the ball. Correct... it's the skin. Keep this point in mind; there are two parts to the skin, the outer layer that people see. External elements like sun, wind, and rain attack the outer layer. Then the inner layer which no one sees. Internal elements like impure blood, bacteria and viruses attack the inner layer. Both layers need tender loving care to maintain integrity, and normal function.
There's more, so bare with me as I inject another element into the discussion. I promise to tie these three elements together to show the importance of water is a main weapon in the fight against acne.
One more important point, let's take a quick and simple look at the blood as it makes a round trip through the circulatory system. Blood flows into the heart via the right auricle and gushes down into the right ventricle; then on into the lungs where an exchange occurs and we get a fresh "batch" of bright red, oxygenated blood.
It now surges into the left auricle, races down into the left ventricle, continues via the aorta into the arteries carrying vital oxygen to the body. At some point the blood makes a pit stop at the liver and picks up food.
Further along, it arrives at the kidneys, gets filtered, cleaned up, and sent on its way. After offloading food and oxygen to its various stations around the body, it now emerges as blue blood (deoxygenated blood) into the veins, then streams back into the heart via the right auricle to begin another circuit. A very simple explanation of blood circulation.
Consider the following benefits of water as a natural treatment for acne:
1. Eighty percent of your blood swims in water. As the blood makes its circuit around your body, water in the blood soaks, bathes, and washes your internal body, fighting off the ingredients that promote an acne prone environment.
2. Water carries nutrition and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight acne.
3. Water helps with the elimination of impurities from the body, keeping a clean house and allowing for timely irrigation.
4. Water supplies a "breath of fresh air" to the internal and external body.
5. Water promotes overall good health.
6. Water can relieve pain.
7. Water can hold in check otherwise rampant diseases, including acne.
8. Daily water intake can increase your physical endurance by as much as 80%.
9. When you take on board salt, sugar and protein, additional amounts of water must also be taken on board for the processing of these ingredients.
10. When you neglect to drink water daily, your blood thickens and flows slower, encouraging an environment for acne to prosper.
Here's your next step, drink liberal amounts of water daily to stave off acne. Remembering that we need free flowing, water filled, clean blood in order to maintain internal and external skin integrity. Water keeps the system free of contaminants and impurities that may otherwise weaken and render your system vulnerable to acne attacks.
In short, the next time you have a flare-up, think of water as a treatment for acne. For starters, drink a few glasses of water, then go outside and jump into your swimming pool. You may find that your dog already beat you to the punch.
Consider this, water ranks as one of the best natural treatments for acne. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it! Especially in light of the many over-the-counter "miracle cures!" Caught you off guard didn't I? Hold that thought... coming back to water as a natural treatment for acne in a minute.
Answer this. Which organ in the body is the largest? Alright already... you're on the ball. Correct... it's the skin. Keep this point in mind; there are two parts to the skin, the outer layer that people see. External elements like sun, wind, and rain attack the outer layer. Then the inner layer which no one sees. Internal elements like impure blood, bacteria and viruses attack the inner layer. Both layers need tender loving care to maintain integrity, and normal function.
There's more, so bare with me as I inject another element into the discussion. I promise to tie these three elements together to show the importance of water is a main weapon in the fight against acne.
One more important point, let's take a quick and simple look at the blood as it makes a round trip through the circulatory system. Blood flows into the heart via the right auricle and gushes down into the right ventricle; then on into the lungs where an exchange occurs and we get a fresh "batch" of bright red, oxygenated blood.
It now surges into the left auricle, races down into the left ventricle, continues via the aorta into the arteries carrying vital oxygen to the body. At some point the blood makes a pit stop at the liver and picks up food.
Further along, it arrives at the kidneys, gets filtered, cleaned up, and sent on its way. After offloading food and oxygen to its various stations around the body, it now emerges as blue blood (deoxygenated blood) into the veins, then streams back into the heart via the right auricle to begin another circuit. A very simple explanation of blood circulation.
Consider the following benefits of water as a natural treatment for acne:
1. Eighty percent of your blood swims in water. As the blood makes its circuit around your body, water in the blood soaks, bathes, and washes your internal body, fighting off the ingredients that promote an acne prone environment.
2. Water carries nutrition and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight acne.
3. Water helps with the elimination of impurities from the body, keeping a clean house and allowing for timely irrigation.
4. Water supplies a "breath of fresh air" to the internal and external body.
5. Water promotes overall good health.
6. Water can relieve pain.
7. Water can hold in check otherwise rampant diseases, including acne.
8. Daily water intake can increase your physical endurance by as much as 80%.
9. When you take on board salt, sugar and protein, additional amounts of water must also be taken on board for the processing of these ingredients.
10. When you neglect to drink water daily, your blood thickens and flows slower, encouraging an environment for acne to prosper.
Here's your next step, drink liberal amounts of water daily to stave off acne. Remembering that we need free flowing, water filled, clean blood in order to maintain internal and external skin integrity. Water keeps the system free of contaminants and impurities that may otherwise weaken and render your system vulnerable to acne attacks.
In short, the next time you have a flare-up, think of water as a treatment for acne. For starters, drink a few glasses of water, then go outside and jump into your swimming pool. You may find that your dog already beat you to the punch.
Acne skin treatments and preventions are vital to the overall health of your skin. Follow this link to help you in your battle with your acne: http://www.acnearticlewriter.com
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