About Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is often a big frustration that can make one conscious and worried about appearance. Any treatment method that promises fast relief is often quickly embraced which explains the preference for laser acne treatment among patients. Laser treatments simplify the treatment process in no time. There are no immediate side effects like irritation though long-term effects are still subject to medical discussions.

Types of laser treatments and therapies

Laser treatments use different lights and laser therapies which also include the photodynamic therapy, PDT. The various types of laser treatments used are:
  • Blue laser light treatment.
This was the pioneering laser treatment in the USA for acne and was approved by the FDA for removal of only mild pimples and initial stage moderate inflammatory pimples. This kind of laser treatment though is not effective for nodules, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Infra red laser light.
Works similarly like the blue laser light and used in the treatment of moderate acne inflammations. It is not limited to the face and can be used on the back and arms as well.
  • Photopneumatic therapy.
This is an advanced laser acne treatment method. Photopneumatic therapy uses IPL, which is an intense pulsed light in a vacuum. The effect is suction of oils, sebum, dead skin cells and skin excretions from the skin pores. It is used with many advanced acne diseases save for cysts and nodules. Mainly used in the treatment of whiteheads and blackheads. Other advanced laser acne treatments are being studied to tackle the treatment of the stubborn acne like the nodules and the cysts like the photodynamic therapy, PDT.

The use of laser acne treatment is surrounded by several myths like it works instantly with no side effects at least in the short term. Most of these claims are wrong and before you decide to go through the irreversible process, take time to consider the following:
  • The results of laser acne treatment are unpredictable and the same method under same conditions does not work for everyone. While someone may end up with clearer skin, others will just register a decrease in the acne intensity on the skin. As such it is wiser to employ laser acne treatment only after the other natural treatments or antimicrobial methods have failed to work.
  • The results of laser acne treatment may be temporary. Acne may reappear on the skin after the resultant surgery. This is to mean that for the best of results, you may need a series of laser acne treatments or use a more advanced laser treatments like infrared light instead of the blue light. Other natural treatment plans like washing the face with essential oils like tea tree oil may be supplemented. Do not attempt to combine laser treatment with other antimicrobial creams unless specifically allowed by the doctor.
  • The long-term effects of laser acne treatments have not been unraveled yet though there are immediate side effects like sore skin, redness and swelling. The side effects can last for a few hours to days.
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Adult Acne Solution - The Parable Of The Pot

Picture a beautiful porcelain pot that you have in your home. It is so beautiful, and it enhances the overall look of your living room. The pot's color is white and it looks elegant and valuable. But, on the weekend some kids from your relatives come to your home. They found your pot and think that it is a great canvas for their drawing experiment. Since your pot is white in color, it is a perfect canvas for some child's drawing.

 They grab some crayons and start drawing in your pot. Now, your pot looks ugly with childish drawings in it.

As soon as the kids left your home, you begin to clean the pot with special porcelain cleaner to restore its beauty. And there it is. Your elegant and valuable pot is back.

The simple story above represents the condition of your skin. You have a beautiful skin. But, for some reasons, acne begins to draw its red markings on your skin, and you begin to lose its beauty. But, it is temporary. You can bring your beauty back when you apply the special cleanser for your skin. The kids in the story above are a representation of the foods that you eat.

When you allow bad foods to enter your body, those foods will begin to draw acne on your skin. But, as soon as you refrain from eating foods that make your skin look bad, you can begin to apply the special cleanser for your skin. But only when the bad foods are gone away from your body. That's because like the kids above, unless they're still in your home, they will keep drawing on your pot even though you're cleaning your pot every morning. It won't work.

Thus, a good adult acne solution consists of two parts. The first part is to cleanse your skin from bad foods. And the second part is to apply a good system to cleanse your acne once and for all.

We know that bad foods are bad for your skin. Foods such as junk foods, high cholesterol foods, and so on will draw more acne to your skin. Therefore, you need to eliminate them from your diet. Once eliminated, you need to apply a solid system of acne elimination that will help you to clear your acne once and for all.

This acne elimination system is called holistic system. This system will help you to clear your acne and restore the beauty of your skin.

Acne treatment secret ==> Learn how holistic system can help you to clear your acne.
Discover the real solution for adult acne: holistic system.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Riz_J._Natalie

The Most Effective Kids Acne Treatments

Acne can come to us at any age. It can come to infants as young as one to two months old, and this is known as neonatal acne, which will mean as the parent, you will have to look into kids' acne treatments. This type of acne is believed to occur as a reaction to a temporary increase in hormone levels. Neonatal acne normally dissipates over time without the need for remedial treatment.

Another type of acne that can occur in infants is called infantile acne, which typically occurs between the ages of two months to three years old. This type of acne shouldn't be ignored. If it persists for more than a couple of weeks, your child should be examined by the pediatrician. Causes of this type of acne can include genetics, early hormone production, growth and developmental abnormalities, and drug-induced acne.

Caring for Children's Acne

Children's acne, including infantile and juvenile acne, is generally treated in the same manner as acne occurring in teenagers and adults. Remedial treatment may be needed for the entire duration that the acne persists.

Initial treatment normally requires cleansing the affected area of skin gently, followed by the use of a topical cream as kids' acne treatments. When washing the affected area, it is important not to scrub and cause further irritation to the skin. Gentle cleansing should be done twice daily using a mild soap or a product that the pediatrician recommends.

Refrain from popping, squeezing or pinching any of the pimples, as this can lead to permanent scarring, and is not one of the good kids' acne treatments. If your infant or child continues to try to pop or scratch the pimples, try placing mittens on their hands just before bedtime.

Try to avoid hats and headbands that lay across your child's forehead, because this can make the acne worse. Oils trapped in the bands of hats and headbands will only worsen the matter.

Treatment for Children's Acne

If recommended by your child's pediatrician, try using topical kids' acne treatments. These medications help kill bacteria, unplug oil ducts and pores, and heal pimples. Stick to the instructions your pediatrician has given you for use on your child, as this may vary by age and severity. Topical treatments are available in several different strengths and forms including creams, washes, and cleansers. If your pediatrician isn't comfortable with treating acne by topical agents, ask for other suggestions or for a referral to a pediatric dermatologist for further help and instruction.

In rare and severe cases, oral or topical antibiotics are prescribed by the child's pediatrician or dermatologist. These kids' acne treatments are usually temporary to rid the skin of the infection. Once the infection is gone, other treatments are usually recommended to keep the acne at bay.

Important Reminders

Remember to be patient while using different topical treatments. Often times, the affected area seems to get worse prior to it improving. Noticeable improvement may take three to six weeks to occur, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't improve quickly.

Also, remember that more isn't necessarily better! Don't over scrub or over treat the infection. This will likely irritate the affected area and make the situation worse. Many of these products can harshly dry out the skin, so using them improperly could lead to scarring. While using topical kids' acne treatments, take extra care to protect your child's skin from the sun, as the medication can make the skin more susceptible to sun damage.

Lisa An Freeman is committed to helping people promote and protect their health. She likes to provide important information on a wide range of health and lifestyle topics, which can help you reach a logical and realistic decision on your health and lifestyle choices for many different problems.

Discover how you can be acne free today! I urge you to go to my website http://www.stopacnetoday.com for more great tips on acne solutions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_An_Freeman