When it comes to natural ingredients two of them come to mind instantly; green tea and aloe. These are both from separate parts of the globe but equally impressive in their own right. Aloe is a tropical environment plant while green tea has been used by the Chinese culture for 4 millennia. Aloe's properties are used to penetrate the skin and provide moisture while green tea works from the inside out inside beverages. These two are very well-known by most.
Another lesser known acne treatment is burdock. The root of the burdock has extensive healing qualities and has been proven to be a very effective acne treatment. While burdock is native to Europe and Northern Asia, it can be found in most health stores.
I don't know of many women that don't love the smell of Lavender. They have the scent in candles, potpourri, incense, and anything else that can create a smell. It also has huge medical benefits to it such as the oil inside. The oil itself is a fabulous preventative acne treatment. Along with the prevention of acne, healing starts with creation. The lavender oil helps stimulate cell growth and reproduction.
Lastly, come red clover. This little beauty is not only a pretty little flower, it also has large roots, in history that is. This plant has been used by herbalists for centuries. The property the red clover has is a very effective treatment for eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Now let's be realistic here, acne is nothing to play around with. In fact, what you think is acne could be something different. There isn't anything wrong with getting a diagnosis from a dermatologist. Let them tell you what the problem is so you can address the right cause instead of fixing the symptoms of the wrong one.
Natural, organic or homeopathic remedies may not be the fastest method, but are certainly the safest for your body as a whole. Sure the FDA approves all of the drugs you use on your skin for the most part. They do the tests and they run clinical trials and so on, but let's face it, nature is nature and no drug can compare to it.
People from ancient times had these herbal acne remedies and healers from the beginning of time and they worked. If they worked then, chances are they will work now.
Richard Gibbons is from Sydney, Australia and is a keen supporter
of the use of safer natural remedies in the treatment of various human
ills, including acne. To get the inside run down on the pluses and
minuses on five (5) different herbal or natural acne treatment programs
please visit his product comparison website at http://www.herbalacneremedies.net
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