Zits, or pimples, affect almost everyone at some stage of their
life. Zits are yukky, unsightly, and usually a part of growing up.
However it can be useful to know a little bit about them when you are approaching the age when zits may become a part of your life.
Firstly, zits aren't restricted to teenagers as most think. Zits can affect people at any age. It is estimated that anything up to 50% of adult women have a case of zits at some stage in their life after their teen years. Even adult men get zits, although not as frequently as women. And babies.
However the most common time to encounter zits is in your teens. This, of course, is exactly when you don't want them. You are most aware of the opposite sex, and most interested in making sure that you look as appealing as possible. An outbreak of zits on your face is not at all welcome.
It is not entirely understood what causes zits. It is known what they are, but not exactly what causes them.
However the experts think that it is most likely that zits are caused by hormonal changes that take place in your body at certain stages in your life. This explains why zits can be encountered at times when the body is experiencing hormonal changes such as in the teen years.
Zits are a normal part of life. Almost everyone has them, especially as teens, and they are not sent to make your life a misery at the exact time that you don't want them. They are a part of growing up and if you are a teen with zits you can be sure that most of your friends will get them soon if they haven't already.
You can get zits on other parts of your body as well as your face. For example on your back, although there are others.
Although it may be fun to pop your zits, or certainly satisfying, it may not be the best thing to do. Experts disagree on whether popping your zits causes scars, but when in doubt, try to avoid it. And if you must then refrain from attempting to get those deep ones that are hard to pop, just stick to the obvious simple ones. But preferably don't.
Contrary to popular belief you don't get zits by eating too much chocolate, although you may get fat. Fatty foods do not cause zits.
You don't get zits because you aren't washing your face well enough.
As zits are a normal part of life it is extremely difficult to cure them. However there are good strategies available to manage them. It's just that you control, rather than cure them until your body decides that enough is enough.
Zits will go away with time, although it probably doesn't seem so now. People don't generally go through life with permanent zits. A serious case though can cause scars, so it is always worth having them checked out by your doctor.
Overall remember, although zits may seem like a huge problem now, they will go away, and they will be a distant memory soon. Everyone has to deal with them, it's just your turn at the moment.
However it can be useful to know a little bit about them when you are approaching the age when zits may become a part of your life.
Firstly, zits aren't restricted to teenagers as most think. Zits can affect people at any age. It is estimated that anything up to 50% of adult women have a case of zits at some stage in their life after their teen years. Even adult men get zits, although not as frequently as women. And babies.
However the most common time to encounter zits is in your teens. This, of course, is exactly when you don't want them. You are most aware of the opposite sex, and most interested in making sure that you look as appealing as possible. An outbreak of zits on your face is not at all welcome.
It is not entirely understood what causes zits. It is known what they are, but not exactly what causes them.
However the experts think that it is most likely that zits are caused by hormonal changes that take place in your body at certain stages in your life. This explains why zits can be encountered at times when the body is experiencing hormonal changes such as in the teen years.
Zits are a normal part of life. Almost everyone has them, especially as teens, and they are not sent to make your life a misery at the exact time that you don't want them. They are a part of growing up and if you are a teen with zits you can be sure that most of your friends will get them soon if they haven't already.
You can get zits on other parts of your body as well as your face. For example on your back, although there are others.
Although it may be fun to pop your zits, or certainly satisfying, it may not be the best thing to do. Experts disagree on whether popping your zits causes scars, but when in doubt, try to avoid it. And if you must then refrain from attempting to get those deep ones that are hard to pop, just stick to the obvious simple ones. But preferably don't.
Contrary to popular belief you don't get zits by eating too much chocolate, although you may get fat. Fatty foods do not cause zits.
You don't get zits because you aren't washing your face well enough.
As zits are a normal part of life it is extremely difficult to cure them. However there are good strategies available to manage them. It's just that you control, rather than cure them until your body decides that enough is enough.
Zits will go away with time, although it probably doesn't seem so now. People don't generally go through life with permanent zits. A serious case though can cause scars, so it is always worth having them checked out by your doctor.
Overall remember, although zits may seem like a huge problem now, they will go away, and they will be a distant memory soon. Everyone has to deal with them, it's just your turn at the moment.
Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and adult acne, acne skin care products, the best acne treatments and more at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.
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