Would holistic acne treatments get rid of your pimples? Acne,
unlike a lot of embarrassing conditions, is virtually impossible to
hide. If you have pimples and blackheads on your face, they are often
the first things someone sees when they meet you. And yet, despite
thousands of desperate acne sufferers and all the medical advances in
the world today, there is still no definitive acne cure.
So what about a holistic or natural approach? Many medical professionals will tell you that natural treatments are based on old wives' tales, but there are many shortcomings of common acne drugs that are swept under the rug. Here are five concerns about conventional acne medications that are causing more and more people to seek holistic acne cures:
Meanwhile, people undergoing a holistic acne treatment can get clear skin while also experiencing a broader range of health benefits like weight loss, increased energy, and a stronger resistance to illness.
So what about a holistic or natural approach? Many medical professionals will tell you that natural treatments are based on old wives' tales, but there are many shortcomings of common acne drugs that are swept under the rug. Here are five concerns about conventional acne medications that are causing more and more people to seek holistic acne cures:
- Meds often prescribed for acne likesulfur-based drugs and antibiotics don't always work. This is probably the biggest frustration for patients. They finally take the step of getting medical help, but their zits and pimples don't go away. Doctors might want patients to take a drug for three or four months before concluding that it isn't working.
- Conventional medications for acne can make your skin much worse,especially in the short term. Common side effects of these acne treatments are burning, stinging, redness, and the peeling of skin.
- Prolonged usage can lead to other serious health problems. A man in New Jersey recently was awarded $25 million because his acne medication gave him a bowel disorder that resulted in having his colon removed. There are strict warnings that women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant should not use the drugs, and other side effect warnings include psychosis, blindness, and cardiovascular issues.
- Antibiotic resistance: this is an under-the-radar medical problem that is gradually getting more attention. Because of the widespread (and sometimes unnecessary) use of antibiotics for acne and other conditions, bacteria are developing that are resistant to the most widely prescribed antibiotics. This leaves patients susceptible to infections that are nearly untreatable.
- Even when conventional medications are effective, they are simply covering up the symptoms of a more widespread imbalance within the body. Most acne sufferers are understandably so desperate for results that they are unconcerned about this, but holistic acne treatments take the entire body into account.
Meanwhile, people undergoing a holistic acne treatment can get clear skin while also experiencing a broader range of health benefits like weight loss, increased energy, and a stronger resistance to illness.
For more information on holistic acne treatments that have led to success for many patients, click here to go to http://LiveAcneFree.com and learn about a step-by-step program created by a member of the American Holistic Health Association.
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