How to Cure Acne Naturally With Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise

Anyone who has ever suffered from acne knows the embarrassment of it. When ailed by these frustrating facial marks you become desperate to get rid of them. Causing people to spend a lot of money on expensive products that sometimes can make your acne worse. It doesn't have to be that way. By using all natural products you can cure your acne naturally and without spending a lot of money.

Some products people have had great success with reducing and even eliminating acne is tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, and Zinc. Although some of these products contain certain chemicals for preservation, it is advisable to consult your doctor if pregnant or nursing before using. It is extremely important to drink at least four pints of water a day when you suffer from acne. Water is beneficial in flushing impurities out of your body and keeping pores clean. Adding leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit to your daily diet will help to improve your complexion as well.

Making a mask out of certain foods and applying to your face a couple times a week can help also clear up acne. One mixture that has had great success; rose water, honey and real tomato pulp applied to your inflicted skin for at least 20 minutes every other day. This mask helps to neutralize your skin's natural PH Balance. Another popular mask is; a nightly cream of banana, glycerine, and lemon juice. Let it stay on your area of acne for at least 15 minutes four times a week.

Exercise also plays a huge roll in the health of your skin and your overall body health. By getting at least 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week you can greatly reduce your acne. Exercising causes you to sweat and sweating helps flush unwanted toxins from your body. Regular exercise also keeps your body's natural balance in check. If your enable to do rigorous exercise yoga is a good option. Yoga helps the mind, body and soul.

It is important when inflicted by acne to remember you don't have to spend a lot of money or time on clearing your acne up. It's best if you go with natural products to avoid any excess problems that can occur with some of the over the counter products. You'll find it less frustrating and more rewarding by using natural products.

Julian Hooks is the founder of []. A site filled with tons of articles, eBooks, and information on conventional acne treatments as well as natural acne remedies.
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