Top 10 Reasons to Use Argan Oil - Other Than to Fight Wrinkles

Argan oil is one of the hottest ingredients and standalone products in the beauty industry. But did you know that it can be used for more than just fighting wrinkles?

This moroccan miracle oil, as it is often called, contains 80% essential fatty acids (to help reduce inflammation), as well as squalene (to help keep our skin soft), phytosterols (to help protect collagen) and phenolic compounds (to guard against free radicals), making it one of the most versatile beauty products for those of who like to keep our beauty routines simple or who want to want to remain budget conscious.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons to use argan oil, other than to reduce lines and wrinkles (which, by the way, it does beautifully):

1. Soften dry, cracked skin Argan oil has a very high content of unsaturated fatty acids, even more so than shea butter, making it the perfect all-over face, hand and body moisturizer.

2. Help prevent stretch marks Simply use as you would any other stretch mark cream. The oil absorbs extremely easily and doesn't leave any oily residue.

3. Lighten scars With regular use, argan oil can help lighten scars and acne marks.

4. Balance sebum production Although an oil, it is non-comedogenic, meaning that it does not clog pores.

5. Relieve eczema and psoriasis Argan oil is one of the world's richest natural sources of vitamin E, so is a great treatment for a variety of skin conditions.

6. Soften cuticles Leave on overnight for best results.

7. Condition hair With its great moisturizing abilities, this oil makes a great intensive hair conditioner and can even be used to help split ends.

8. Alleviate dry, itchy scalp Apply to scalp and wrap head in a warm towel for 30 minutes or overnight to soothe irritation.

9. Soothe irritated baby skin A great alternative to chemical-based baby oils.

10. Use as a culinary oil Add flavor and health benefits when you drizzle argan oil over fish and vegetables (it's not suitable for heating though).

As you can see, argan oil serves a multitude of purposes. For additional tips on how to use it as well as a review of the best argan oils, including raw and organic brands, visit Raw and Organic Argan Oil.
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