Popping Pimples - Is it worth it?

Everyone, it seems, has a different opinion on popping pimples, and for every magazine article you find that urges you to keep your hands away, you'll find another that says it's no big deal. And when you have a huge quivering mass on your nose that seems as though it's threatening to take over your whole face, popping that pimple can seem like the best way to get rid of the thing. Anyone who has ever suffered with acne can tell you that popping pimples is one of the perverse pleasures associated with the condition, and can become almost addictive. But beware - popping is not always the best way to get rid of pimples overnight, and can in fact make the whole thing a lot uglier.

How to get rid of pimples has been an issue that has plagued acne sufferers since time immemorial, but there is unfortunately very little that will successfully get rid of pimples overnight. While pimple popping might seem like the answer, it is something that should only be used on a zit-by-zit basis. There is little doubt that releasing the goo from a protruding white head can be extremely satisfying - but pimple popping should be reserved for this type of zit alone. Though the red cyst-like pimples that linger just beneath your skin can hurt like anything and can induce you to prod them with a needle or other pointed instrument in some attempt to get rid of the thing, trying to pop this type of pimple simply won't work, and - the last thing that any acne sufferer wants - might actually prolong the life of the pimple.

You can take the edge off those big white-headed guys and get rid of that kind of pimple overnight if you pop with care. Always wash your hands thoroughly before you begin. Puncture the head lightly with a sanitized needle (you should clean it by wiping it with alcohol, or by passing it through a flame) and wipe away the pus that comes out. Never, ever, force the issue - squeezing will only send the goo you can't see further into your skin, which will leave you with one of those painful zits that takes forever to go away. And while popping pimples is fun, it's not worth that, is it?

Find out more about the Best Acne Treatments as well as Acne and acne cures and adult acne treatments at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Crump

Proactive Skin Care Products - a Real Answer to a Difficult Problem

Acne is often seen as something of a trifling problem, a few zits that complicate a teenagers already confusing life, but nothing that's going to kill them - and, of course, they'll grow out of it! Anyone who has ever suffered with acne however, whether as a teenager, or as one of the growing number of people who develop the skin condition during their adult years, will tell you that the problem is not quite so trifling. This is why so many of these sufferers have greeted the arrival to the market of Proactive skin care products with such enthusiasm.

 Most acne sufferers have spent years trying cleanser after cleanser in order to find something that will really make a difference - and now customer testimonials would seem to indicate that they might at last have found their answer in Proactive skin care products.

A quick review of any acne sufferers' online forum or discussion group will highlight the usual fact that widely differing things tend to work for each individual - but the Proactive acne solution increasingly boasts a marked improvement in skin quality for a large range of sufferers. For many years, acne patients have searched long and hard - enduring the continuation in the meantime of a problem that can be physically painful and socially debilitating - for a product that would make a real difference in the quality of their skin and their self confidence, and it seems that Proactiv might just have found the right combination of ingredients to achieve just that.

The core products in the Proactive acne treatment are a cleanser, a toner, and a repairing lotion, which utilize what Proactiv calls a unique combination therapy. This means that the ingredients in each element of the Proactive acne solution work collectively in order to improve the condition of your skin. And while many of the acne products available can reduce the number of blemishes on your skin, most of them are harsh and astringent, which can dry out your skin. The Proactive acne treatment however improves the whole look and feel of your skin, not only working on your acne, but also giving the soft healthy looking skin that acne sufferers have always dreamed of.
They usually say that if it sounds too good to be true then it must be false, but Proactive skin care products really deliver all that they claim to, offering a real answer to those who suffer from acne.

Find out more about the Best Acne Treatments as well as Acne and acne cures and adult acne treatments at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Crump

Micro Dermabrasion - Hurting Skin to Heal it?

Acne is an upsetting condition that can be sometimes very difficult to clear, its treatment usually involving the application to the skin of a multitude of cleansers and other potions in a long process of trial and error that can be extremely frustrating for the patient. Clear skin, when it is finally achieved, is thus a thing to be cherished by most former sufferers, and most certainly not something to be taken lightly. So while there is little doubt that recovered acne patients will view their often scarred skin with disappointment, many are unwilling to risk its hard won clarity by trying scar reducing techniques, such as micro dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser treatment. And while medical advances are improving these techniques all the time - micro dermabrasion, for example, was developed as a gentler form of more traditional dermabrasion - those with delicate skin would be wise to carefully weigh up the possible advantages of receiving treatment with the possible risks.

Many former acne patients value the current health of their skin so highly that they do not wish to compromise it by engaging in a treatment that might improve the look of their skin further for fear that they might find themselves plummeting back to the bad old days. Acne is a condition that can be painful both physically and psychologically, resulting in scars to self-esteem and confidence as well as to the skin, and is something that no recovered sufferer wishes to revisit. But while it is understandable that patients wish to preserve the clarity of their skin, the fear that micro dermabrasion, for instance, will result in a resurgence of acne is unfounded. Acne is caused specifically by the body's overproduction of sebum, and this is not something that dermabrasion machines will induce.

But micro dermabrasion is not foolproof, and can give poor results. Though this treatment is gentler than the use of dermabrasion machines, which require the use of local anaesthetics and can leave skin quite raw, it can sometimes yield disappointing results. These kinds of treatments are also expensive, an important aspect to the patient who has probably already spend large sums of money on curing their acne problem. Many patients prefer to use home dermabrasion kits, which are not only cheaper, but leave the patient in control of their treatment. This can be an ideal way to try out this type of treatment, to better decide whether it is appropriate for them.

Find out more about Acne as well as Acne Scar Removal and adult acne, acne skin care products, the best acne treatments and more at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Crump