The Cure for Acne: Why Your Diet Is the Answer

The current diet for the average "Westernized" person consists of very little nutrition despite the massive amount of calories that are eaten.

The diet has had many adverse effects on the general population, and acne is definitely one of them. But it is easily possible to get clear skin through diet and there are many tips and tricks for achieving such an outcome.

Diet is swept under the rug as a possible cause, and cure for acne mainly because of the prevailing notions of modern science. That is, drugs are the answer to everything, even though the old adage "You are what you eat" remains as true as it ever was.

Some people have tried to protect against the real, nature-intended way of diet through restrictions and rules such as the Kosher diet and the constant news reports that show us the benefits of foods, but it still seems that drugs win out because they are perceived as being more "modern" and "advanced."

Still, many people don't see clear skin results until they change their diet through a series of switches that make for more nutrition of a specific sort to target the problems that are affecting them.

Acne can be caused by stress, which is another thing to keep in mind, but it is also caused by too much toxicity in the body, not enough fresh, clean water, lack of nutrients, and even a hormonal imbalance (caused by dairy, animals raised on genetically modified hormones [yuck!] and more) according to numerous holistic acne treatment advocates.

The goal then should be to tackle the acne problem at its roots and to cleanse the skin of impurities while remaining as stress free as possible. The diet and stress part actually coincide many times because the right foods and drinks can even ease stress, such as chamomile tea as an example. These acne-free tips and tricks are hidden from the public eye because they are simple and easy to implement and would probably drastically affect the bottom line of acne drug companies.

Speaking of acne drugs, they may be effective but they often have lots of side effects. The side effects of changing your diet are numerous as well, but all of them are extremely positive! Here are three key basic diet tips to cure acne that will help combine to give you clear skin in the long run:

1. Pure water- Spring water is the best source other than well water from a clean area. Reverse osmosis is also a good choice. Distilled is a bit of a risk and should only be used in moderation. It leeches nutrients and minerals from your body so it can help detox but eventually this will become a problem. The main point in this category however is to stay away from unfiltered tap water as much as possible to keep impurities out of your skin.

2. Organic foods- They may seem like a specialty item, but they aren't. Organic food is food the way nature intended. Less pesticides= more nutritious soil= more tools for your body to fight foreign agents and to cleanse impurities from your system. Eat organic whenever possible and avoid soft-skin fruits and vegetables like peppers and apples in pesticide-laced form.

3. Cleansing help by diet- Many foods cleanse the body including lemon (squeezed into your water perhaps) and dark green algae supplements like chlorella and spirulina. Add these to your diet and they will assist in the process of keeping things clean from the inside out.

These are just a few tips for achieving clear skin through diet as an acne cure, and there are many more tricks out there including special acne cleanses that the guys with fancy degrees on their wall most likely won't tell you about.

More tips can be found at sites like (as a general guide to healthy living, this is my favorite) or (for a comprehensive treatment plan and blog on acne tips).
Read up and trust in nature and you'll see better skin in no time.
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Why Does Epsom Salt Bath Treatment Works to Reduce Eczema?

An Epsom salt bath is rich in magnesium which is essential for your body, as this helps to eliminate all the harmful acids on your skin. Also by taking this bath and soaking yourself will reduce your muscular pain and alleviate your body stress, making it something like a spa bath.

There are a lot of bathing recipes online that makes use of Epsom salts. Some of these recipes even include essential oils for added aromatherapy. You must always remember that eczema is often attributed to skin dryness, and that's what you have to avoid. Also note, do not use any kind of soap when taking an Epsom salt bath or else it would obstruct the healing action of the salts. You can soak in for about 15 minutes and gently give your skin a good gentle rub.

Although this bath is very helpful to moisture your skin and eliminate all the unwanted skin enzymes, this alone is not enough to cure eczema. Along with this Epsom salty bath treatment you must also follow a good diet of fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin E and Aloe Vera. These 2 ingredients are essential for a healthy looking skin, as they are responsible for the skin defence system. Without them we can not win the battle against Eczema.

I would also like to share with you a great resource website were you can find all the questions about how to treat eczema naturally using so called home treatment, which is Eczema Rash Cure.

I had eczema for years and usual medications didn't help. After I found about natural remedies to cure eczema, the disease disappeared in a month. My skin has been healthy ever since.

You can do it too. Start by answering all the question about Epsom Salt Bath Treatment and then start treating it the proper way. Visit

Subscribe to weekly newsletter and receive latest tips to cure eczema naturally, as well as a free e-book "Get Relief from Itching."
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Some Natural Fruit and Plants to Fade Acne Scars

If you are going to do a crucial interview very soon and you need to fade acne scars off your face as soon as possible, then you may go to see some friend who is a beautician or nutritionist, and she or he will probably tell you some good tips on how to fade acne scars fast. These tips might be as the following.

1. Lemon juice will fade acne scars

Yes, lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin C does have whitening effects. So, if you put lemon juice right on the spot and eat it often, it may whiten the skin color and fade acne scars. Lemon juice is also usually used for lightening hair. Some say lemon juice will hurt your skin, I think it is not the truth. Vitamin C is a good thing, it is the most healthy cure and better than any medicine and chemicals.

2. Orange peel may be helpful

The old used to use orange peel, and it does work for some people. However, orange peel does not smell good, and some girls just cannot stand the smell. So you should try it, if you do not care about the smell, you can try orange peel and tell us the outcome here in the following comments.

3. Aloe Vera will be good for fading acne scars

Aloe Vera is a kind of ugly plant that you can get from almost anywhere even from your garden nursery. What you need to do is just break off a Aloe Vera stem and rub the sap juice into the spot on your face to fade acne scars.

4. Massage your scar with cocoa butter

Massage your scar with cocoa butter (100% pure) 6 times a day. It must not be a cream, and shall be nothing with preservatives. If it has been made into a cream it is rancid and then it will not. Real, pure, unadulterated cocoa butter is actually very inexpensive, and do not fall for the hype of the cosmetic agencies.

You need to get the chunks of cocoa butter, or you can buy it in a stick. Rub it on your hand to melt it and then massage it into the scar(s). The massaging action is very important in this; make sure to do it for a couple minutes each time. This may seem like a pain but it really does work if you keep with it and the scars will not return. You will totally fade acne scars. It even works for stretch marks. And this will absolutely work better than anything else in the world. I know a model and it is what they models did, and I actually fade acne scars (from plummeting down 18 concrete steps) on my face.

If you are in a hurry, I will suggest you to use some concealer to conceal your scars temporarily. You may cover it over your foundation, and it works extremely well. There are also many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Turmeric, tomato slices, home made face packs and papaya juices will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems.

The first remedy in the treatment of acne scarring is to prevent acne from developing in the first place. Many times reducing your level of stress will reduce the amount of acne breakouts that you can have.
This is a professional blog that will tell you every possible thing about how to Fade Acne Scars.
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Deep Breathing and Acne

To improve the health and appearance of your skin, Yoga teachers of all schools will attest to the value of breathing correctly. There is a part of the Yoga system devoted to breathing - this is called Pranayama and is often defined as breath control. Most Yoga sessions will begin and end with conscious, deep breathing practises and the Yoga routines themselves are co-ordinated with the breath. Yoga and Deep Breathing can help you get rid of acne.

Pranayama is made up of two words - Prana and Ayama. Prana means vital life force or energy. Ayama means expansion or extension. When put together Pranayama means "expansion or extension of the dimension of prana". Taken to its fullest potential, Pranayama offers the method whereby life force can be activated to go beyond the normal limitations and attain a higher state.

However, when employed simply, breath control improves the performance of every cell, all tissues, internal organs and systems. Breathing is the most vital process of the body. It is intimately linked with the functioning of the brain, which controls all aspects of the body including hormone secretion and immune system regulation, both of which are hugely important when dealing with acne. Breathing correctly can detoxify the body by increasing the efficiency of cleansing processes. Breathing itself rids the body of toxins.


We breathe about 15 times per minute, and about 21,500 times per day and although this is mostly an unconscious process, we can bring conscious control to it at any time. Most of us haven't breathed correctly since we were little children when our bodies were flexible and our minds mostly untroubled. With poor posture including sitting in chairs too much, not exercising enough and through even minor injuries, our body's flexibility reduces which in turn reduces our ability to breathe fully. Our minds can also become inflexible, and we shallow-breathe quickly when frustrated and angry or hold our breath when anxious or scared. So depending on the pattern of our thoughts, it is easy to see how our breath can become disrupted thus disrupting the rhythms of the brain which can lead to physical symptoms too.


Firstly, it is good to begin by observing exactly how you are breathing right now. Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Are you breathing quickly or slowly? Do you think you are breathing deeply or shallowly? Notice what part of your chest is expanding - is it the lower part, or the sides of your ribs, or the top of your lungs? Notice that the air coming in is cool and the air flowing out is warmer.

Just noticing these things will automatically being to slow down your breathing rate and establish a more relaxed and natural rhythm. Begin noticing your breathing many times throughout the day.

But to go even further, the following exercise is very helpful to do every day.


Abdominal or deep breathing is the most natural and efficient way to breathe. It is the way we breathed as babies, and you can watch a baby's belly rise and fall when they are sleeping. This is what you are aiming for.
To prepare:
  • Do this at a time when you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes.
  • Be dressed in comfortable, loose clothing if possible.
  • Lie on a soft but firm surface, such as a carpeted floor or yoga mat.
  • Be in a comfortable temperature setting with no windy drafts or scorching sunlight.
To begin:
  • Lie in a comfortable position on your back with arms by your sides and eyes closed.
  • Become aware of the breath without trying to control it at all. Let it be natural.
  • Continue observing the natural breath for a few minutes, until it feels right to continue on.
  • Place your right hand on the tummy, just above the navel (belly button) and your left hand on your heart area.
  • All breath should be through the nose - inhaling and exhaling.
  • Inhale deep downwards, noticing the diaphragm draw down into the abdomen, expanding it and pushing the navel to its highest point. Expand the abdomen as much as possible, without breathing sideways or expanding the rib cage.
  • Breathing out, contract the diaphragm to return to its place up under the ribs and allow the navel to move downwards, compressing towards the spine.
  • The right hand should move up each time you breathe in and move down each time you breathe out.
  • The left hand should not move at all with the breath.
  • There should not be any tension at all in the abdomen, and don't try to force the movement in any way.
  • The timing of the in-breath and the out-breath should be slow and even. There should be a little pause at the end of the in-breath and again when the out-breath is complete.
  • Continue for about 10 minutes.
  • Come up slowly after this exercise and drink 2 glasses of water.

You will notice the benefits of this deep breathing on your mental state very quickly, and an improvement in your skin within 2 - 6 weeks. This improvement continues as you maintain your deep breathing practises.
For Annie's Free Acne Information Series visit
For other Free Information visit
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How to Cure Acne Naturally With Vitamins, Diet, and Exercise

Anyone who has ever suffered from acne knows the embarrassment of it. When ailed by these frustrating facial marks you become desperate to get rid of them. Causing people to spend a lot of money on expensive products that sometimes can make your acne worse. It doesn't have to be that way. By using all natural products you can cure your acne naturally and without spending a lot of money.

Some products people have had great success with reducing and even eliminating acne is tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, and Zinc. Although some of these products contain certain chemicals for preservation, it is advisable to consult your doctor if pregnant or nursing before using. It is extremely important to drink at least four pints of water a day when you suffer from acne. Water is beneficial in flushing impurities out of your body and keeping pores clean. Adding leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit to your daily diet will help to improve your complexion as well.

Making a mask out of certain foods and applying to your face a couple times a week can help also clear up acne. One mixture that has had great success; rose water, honey and real tomato pulp applied to your inflicted skin for at least 20 minutes every other day. This mask helps to neutralize your skin's natural PH Balance. Another popular mask is; a nightly cream of banana, glycerine, and lemon juice. Let it stay on your area of acne for at least 15 minutes four times a week.

Exercise also plays a huge roll in the health of your skin and your overall body health. By getting at least 30 minutes of regular aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week you can greatly reduce your acne. Exercising causes you to sweat and sweating helps flush unwanted toxins from your body. Regular exercise also keeps your body's natural balance in check. If your enable to do rigorous exercise yoga is a good option. Yoga helps the mind, body and soul.

It is important when inflicted by acne to remember you don't have to spend a lot of money or time on clearing your acne up. It's best if you go with natural products to avoid any excess problems that can occur with some of the over the counter products. You'll find it less frustrating and more rewarding by using natural products.

Julian Hooks is the founder of []. A site filled with tons of articles, eBooks, and information on conventional acne treatments as well as natural acne remedies.
Click Here For More --> Acne Solutions []
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The Big Flare Up About Anger and Acne

If you're like ninety percent of acne sufferers out there, then you'll probably have noticed that when there's a big occasion, a big test, a date, a wedding or anything that you're excited about, for some reason your acne flares up. Sods law right? Actually it's more than just an annoying coincidence. Which leads us to yet another thing we should be aware of in the fight against acne: anxiety, stress and anger.

When it comes to anxiety and stress there are two types, mental and physical. We've all experienced mental stress at some point for any number of reasons, but what about physical stress? Things like an overly demanding exercise schedule without proper rest, lack of sleep, and even smoking are all examples of physical stress on your body. Oh, and of course a big test, a date, a wedding, etc. Everybody's different, so it could be entirely different reasons, but the important point here is that stress, anxiety and anger do affect acne.

But how? The short answer (without over-complicating things) is that stress and anxiety cause an inflammatory response in the body. We've all seen how someone can become red faced when they are angry, stressed or embarrassed (anxious). Just because someone suffers from acne doesn't mean that every blocked pore becomes inflamed, in fact there could be countless blocked pores that are completely un-noticeable, however when you add the bodys natural inflammatory response it is far more likely that these pores will become inflamed, causing the walls of the pores to break, which allows bacteria to influx and multiply, hence an acne flare up.

Now for a slightly more technical reason (in simple terms though, we don't want science, we want results).

The adrenal gland produces male hormones called androgens, and when we experience stress, anger or excitement our adrenal gland goes into overdrive. Now, to be fair to nature, the body evolved to release these hormones when we were in danger (think sabre tooth tigers) and our skincare was probably the last thing on our minds, but unfortunately these androgens can lead to more acne. Also, the adrenal gland in women produces a far higher percentage of their androgens than in men, so stress does seem to affect acne more in women than men (sorry ladies).

So how do we help this? There are innumerable ways, and it really depends what works for you, but here are some suggestions. Anger is released by four points of the body, the hands, the feet, the teeth and the voice. Often, after a loud disagreement or physical battle between two people the combatants will become lovers or good friends. The bad emotions are gone. Obviously, we're not suggesting you seek a confrontation of some kind, not only is that bad advice, but also the confrontation itself will release all those nasty androgens. What we need is a way to release these repressed feelings through those four channels. The obvious answer would be sport. Baseball, football, even hitting a bucket of golf balls on a driving range with no target in mind are all ways that help. There have been cases where a persons acne has cleared up just by chopping wood.

Also, yoga and breathing exercises can have an amazing effect on your skin. Yoga is particularly good, because it relieves both mental and physical stress. In fact, the benefits go far beyond stress and anxiety relief, so why not try some local yoga classes or purchase a yoga program to practice at home. There are countless techniques out there for releasing stress, anxiety and anger, so if you feel that it is affecting your acne then why not try one of them?

Looking to find out more? Then visit for stacks of advice on the causes and treatment of acne, including diet advice, forgotten treatments and natural remedies.
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Yoga - Stress Reducing Way To Combat Acne

Many people that suffer from acne should look into the skin healing benefits of doing yoga. This relaxing form of exercise is an excellent way to regenerate both the body as well as the mind. Now how can yoga help to rid your skin of acne?

Stress is one of the largest contributors to someone experiencing an acne breakout. When you are tired and stressed your skin is one of the first things to suffer. Many skin experts claim that exercise will help rid the skin of acne however, sweat can cause new breakouts in addition to potentially making current acne problem worse then they were before you started exercising.

You will have a very hard workout when you participate in yoga. The difference is yoga is preformed at a much slower pace then most other exercises so you are much less likely to work up a sweat. This pace will allow a person to get a great workout and by not sweating as much they are likely to have their skin clear up as well.

In addition to being a low impact exercise yoga is known world wide as being an excellent way to relax your body. Since stress is a huge factor being able to lessen the stress in your life will do wonders for clearing up blemish problems on your skin. If you keep up with a regular routine of yoga you are likely to see healthier looking skin in no time at all.

Yoga is a suitable form of exercise for just about anyone of any age who is suffering from acne. If you are unsure about beginning a new exercise routine be sure to consult your health care provider. If you are looking for a great treatment for your acne problem as well as a fantastic way to get your body and mind feeling great then yoga is for you.

Acne Treatments and Acne Products UPDATE! Your Source of Natural Acne Treatments.
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Water Is The Best Natural Treatment For Acne

A dog encountered a rattlesnake and killed it; however, the dog sustained a bite during the fight. Through instincts, the dog struggled to a nearby watering hole, drank freely, and at times lay in the water. Eventually, the dog recovered from the snake bite. What does that dog instinctively know about the healing properties of water that we don't?

Consider this, water ranks as one of the best natural treatments for acne. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it! Especially in light of the many over-the-counter "miracle cures!" Caught you off guard didn't I? Hold that thought... coming back to water as a natural treatment for acne in a minute.

Answer this. Which organ in the body is the largest? Alright already... you're on the ball. Correct... it's the skin. Keep this point in mind; there are two parts to the skin, the outer layer that people see. External elements like sun, wind, and rain attack the outer layer. Then the inner layer which no one sees. Internal elements like impure blood, bacteria and viruses attack the inner layer. Both layers need tender loving care to maintain integrity, and normal function.

There's more, so bare with me as I inject another element into the discussion. I promise to tie these three elements together to show the importance of water is a main weapon in the fight against acne.

One more important point, let's take a quick and simple look at the blood as it makes a round trip through the circulatory system. Blood flows into the heart via the right auricle and gushes down into the right ventricle; then on into the lungs where an exchange occurs and we get a fresh "batch" of bright red, oxygenated blood.

It now surges into the left auricle, races down into the left ventricle, continues via the aorta into the arteries carrying vital oxygen to the body. At some point the blood makes a pit stop at the liver and picks up food.

Further along, it arrives at the kidneys, gets filtered, cleaned up, and sent on its way. After offloading food and oxygen to its various stations around the body, it now emerges as blue blood (deoxygenated blood) into the veins, then streams back into the heart via the right auricle to begin another circuit. A very simple explanation of blood circulation.

Consider the following benefits of water as a natural treatment for acne:

1. Eighty percent of your blood swims in water. As the blood makes its circuit around your body, water in the blood soaks, bathes, and washes your internal body, fighting off the ingredients that promote an acne prone environment.

2. Water carries nutrition and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight acne.

3. Water helps with the elimination of impurities from the body, keeping a clean house and allowing for timely irrigation.

4. Water supplies a "breath of fresh air" to the internal and external body.

5. Water promotes overall good health.

6. Water can relieve pain.

7. Water can hold in check otherwise rampant diseases, including acne.

8. Daily water intake can increase your physical endurance by as much as 80%.

9. When you take on board salt, sugar and protein, additional amounts of water must also be taken on board for the processing of these ingredients.

10. When you neglect to drink water daily, your blood thickens and flows slower, encouraging an environment for acne to prosper.

Here's your next step, drink liberal amounts of water daily to stave off acne. Remembering that we need free flowing, water filled, clean blood in order to maintain internal and external skin integrity. Water keeps the system free of contaminants and impurities that may otherwise weaken and render your system vulnerable to acne attacks.

In short, the next time you have a flare-up, think of water as a treatment for acne. For starters, drink a few glasses of water, then go outside and jump into your swimming pool. You may find that your dog already beat you to the punch.
Acne skin treatments and preventions are vital to the overall health of your skin. Follow this link to help you in your battle with your acne:
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Tea Tree, A Remedy For Many Daily Problems

Tea tree is the name given to a couple of unrelated plants. Don't confuse it with the common leaves from which black and green tea can be made. It was named so in the eighteenth century by sailors and they used to make tea that smells like nutmeg from the leaves of these plants. But the oil extracted from this tree is good for a lot of problems of the skin including acne, fungal infections, scabies and ring worms.

The oil is widely popular, it is commercially available and it comes from the tree Melaleuca Alternifolia. The color of the oil varies from clear to yellow and it is prepared by the distillation of the leaves and is not used for consumption. The product is seen as a natural medicine and was mainly used by the Bundjalung people.

 Traditionally it was used even as an antiseptic to treat for the wounds. It is very protective against fungal infections, infections of the nail, bacterial infections and against skin diseases.

It is said that smelling these leaves can relieve you from a lot of respiratory problems including cold and cough. The features of this oil includes being effective to control the problems of head lice and is also known to be effective against dandruff. It also proves to be useful against viral disease such as chickenpox and herpes. Yeast infections can also be treated with this.

The other product that can be made out of this includes soap, which is made from the essential oils. It is supposed to be skin rejuvenating and antibacterial. It is now being used in face wash, hand soap, shampoos, luxury soap or as acne soaps. In most cases the oil is combined with lavender soap as it has a soothing effect on the body and the mind. The soaps come in both liquid and solid forms and it also help in preventing bad odor, skin problems and irritations as the product is a powerful antiseptic. It is also used in the field of aroma therapy as they have the power to change the mood and behavior of a person. It also helps in the removal of dirt in the skin and the renewal of the skin.

It can also be used as a mouth wash and what one should do is mix a few drop of it in water and it can be used like other mouth wash. Acne is one of the most common skin problems treated by this. All you can do is pour some drops into your cleanser or in moisturizers and apply it, the oil should not be applied directly as it can be harsh on the skin and irritate it.

A lot has been spoken about the different uses of this, now you would be wondering where to find this.

 There are a lot of retail shops selling essential oils and you are sure to get these there. Before purchasing one you can also do a research on the different tea tree products available.
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Lavender Oil for Acne Treatment

What does lavender remind you of? A picture of beautiful bluish mauve flowers! Or a charming fragrance that is among the most delightful scents around. Have you ever heard of its therapeutic qualities? Well, lavender is not only pleasant to see and smell but also a remedy for problematic skin conditions. In fact, the word lavender comes from 'lavare', a Latin word meaning 'to wash.' It has long been used as a cleanser to tone the skin and control surface oil. Lavender oil is a potent essential oil, which can be used in many forms as a natural cure for acne. Let's see how you can use the oil in your daily skin care regime for acne removal and prevention.

What exactly is lavender oil? It is made by processing the flowers of Lavandula augustafolia, an evergreen plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region. Though it is a mild essential oil, you must understand that any essential oil is extremely concentrated. Just a few drops will serve your purpose; about 500 flowers are crushed to prepare 24 ounces of the oil. So, you must dilute it with a carrier-oil, such as almond, coconut, jojoba or olive oil before applying it on large areas.

How does lavender oil work? Lavender has antiseptic and analgesic properties. When you apply it on your skin, it penetrates quickly to curb the infection and also reduce the pain. It also acts as an astringent by containing your skin's surface oils, which have a major role in acne formation. You probably know that oily skin is the main cause for clogged pores, which in turn favor inflammation. Clearade reviews spell out the significance of oil metabolism for a healthy skin. Lavender oil, when incorporated in your skin care routine, can be one of the best acne home remedies to maintain a youthful and clear skin. Its moisturizing property softens and tones the skin, while its rejuvenating property stimulates skin repair. What's more, it acts as an excellent stress reliever by ridding off headaches, depression and insomnia. What does that have to do with acne? Well, stress and tension are known to aggravate or trigger acne breakouts.

How do I use lavender oil? As discussed above, you must dilute lavender oil. Add 1 to 4 drops of the oil to 1 tablespoon of a carrier-oil. It has been found that a 1:4 mixture of lavender oil and tea tree oil offers the best benefits for acne-affected skin. You can dilute the oil further, depending on the sensitivity of your skin.

You may also apply undiluted lavender oil on a large pimple that is just about to erupt. As it is an astringent, it controls the oil which supports pimple growth. But, be careful not to use the undiluted oil over your entire face, as it is highly concentrated. To treat acne in your arms or back, add a few drops of the oil to your bath and soak for about 15 minutes. It will not only heal the acne but also provide the much-needed relaxation to counter the effects of stress. You may also use over the counter products, such as lotions, gels, soaps and aromatherapy oils that contain lavender oil as an active ingredient.

Acne is indeed an exasperating condition- that's why you're reading this article to find a real solution! Lavender oil is just one of the many natural remedies. Regardless of the type of remedy you choose, you must take a dedicated and unswerving approach to see results. With a consistent skin care regimen, you can definitely lead an acne free life!

MIJ Sadique is specializing in skin issues and has made several studies about acne and acne remedies. He has more resources about scientifically proven acne home remedies, including Clearade acne treatment.
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Pimple Under Skin - What to Do

Pimple Under Skin

A pimple under skin tissues can be one of the more difficult conditions to treat. However, when this happens, there are steps you can take to reduce the effect and even to get rid of it. Acne in general can be a problem for many people. Whether the acne occurs on or under the skin, it is critical to take steps to improve the condition. Not doing so could lead to a worsening condition. The good news is that most people can find relief in a few simple steps. This can even lead to lasting improvement in your complexion.

What's the Problem?

A pimple under skin on the face or other areas of the body can be a problem. These can be painful. In some situations, they can also be larger than others because of the irritation. However, the worst thing you can do is to pop it. Rather than doing this, you should take steps to improve the surrounding conditions so you can remove the conditions causing it.

What can you do? For those suffering from this condition, there are a few steps you can take to improve the circumstances. If the condition is large and the sore has occurred, it may even be best to seek out the aid of a dermatologist in dealing with the condition. Other options may include the following.

1- Cleanse the area properly. To do this, use a mild facial soap to wash the skin. The goal here is to remove oils. Oil production is greatest under the very surface of the skin and that is where many of these pimples under skin occur.

2- Next, exfoliate the skin gently. By removing the top layer of skin, you may expose the top of the acne. By doing this, you can begin to cleanse the area better. Exfoliating products are widely available. Their goal is to help remove the particles, dead skin cells and other debris on your face in an effort to remove the underlying problem.

3- You can consider topical treatments. If you have a pimple under skin, you can use topical products designed to reduce the bacteria and therefore to improve the circumstances. The goal here is to get rid of the bacteria that are causing the inflammation. These topical treatments are often best used after you have cleansed your face like listed above.

In some cases, the treatments you take for a pimple under the skin are the same as those you will take for any acne. However, if the acne is under the top layer of your skin, avoid trying to push it out further. Allow it to develop as it normally would instead. Trying to prick or break open the skin could lead to a worse infection. If it is painful at this point, this could be a different condition related to your skin. It may be a good idea to seek out your doctor to learn more about these conditions especially if they are larger and painful.

Pimples are a condition that happens to many people. Take the time to find out how to treat Pimples.
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8 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Starting Acne Scar Removal Laser Treatments

In the past five years medical grade cosmetic treatments like blue light, neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) and Fraxel lasers have grown in popolularity for correcting aesthetic blemishes like wrinkles and acne scarring.

Several differences exist between the effectiveness, downtime and costs for each of these laser therapies. So, as you shop around for a laser treatment, be certain to ask these eight questions to make your laser experience affordable, healthy and positive.

1. What are the costs?

Although you are not looking for the cheapest service because that could prove unwise, you need to ensure that you can afford a complete series of lasser treatments. Typical costs range from $150-$2500 per treatment depending on the type of laser used, session time and the size of the treated area.

In some cases, you make require only one laser session to treat acne scars.

2. How many treatments will you need to get the results you want? 

In most documented medical studies, patients needed 5-10 laser sessions before noting a marketed improvement in their skin.

3. How far apart will the treatments need to be?

With clinical trials for the Nd:YAG and Fraxel lasers, the time between treatments could vary between every three days to once a week.

4. Is there any downtime? 

Reasons for downtime could include swelling and redness. Blue light therapy and nonablative lasers like Nd:YAG typically have little or no downtime. Since the Fraxel laser makes microscopic wounds on the skin, the recovery period could last five to seven days.
Also, inquire if your doctor will need to use an anesthetic during the laser session. If so, you may need to make arrangements to have someone pick you up after the treatment because of possible anesthesia induced drowsiness and/or weakness.

5. What type of improvements can you expect? 

Ask to view some before and after images of the laser service you are considering. Make certain that these procedures were performed by your candidate doctor and are not clinical images supplied by the laser manufacture.

Providing laser surgeries, especially with the Fraxel laser requires much adeptness. Chances of post-treatment scarring soar with incompetent administration of the Fraxel laser.

6. What are the potential side effects? 

Typical post-laser side effects could include hyperpigmentation, swelling and redness.

7. What type of post-treatment skincare regime will you need to follow? 

Must you avoid direct sunlight for an extended period? Do you need to limit makeup usage?

8. Is there a more affordable and safe alternative including chemical peels? 

Chemical peel alternatives and compliments to laser surgery include deep phenol-based peels or a series of alpha hydroxy peels.

Prices for peels can range from $150-$1550 depending on the depth of the peel applied.

Naweko San-Joyz founded Noixia []- a self-service image makeover company based in San Diego. Noixia creates custom acne scar removal products for the face and body []. San-Joyz has authored several books and articles that focus on do-it-yourself beauty makeovers including “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne” and “Skinny Fat Chicks: Why we’re still not getting this dieting thing”. San-Joyz lives and works in San Diego, California.
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Help for Your Acne - Drug-Free Acne Treatment

No Drugs? What CAN I Do?

What do you do if you have stubborn and severe acne that has not responded to treatment with standard medications, home remedies or natural treatment regimes? Maybe it's time to call upon a dermatologist and try some of the treatments these professionals can offer.

It is always wise to completely understand your doctor's proposition, the costs for the full course of treatments as well as any possible side effects BEFORE you agree to any form of surgical acne treatment.

It's a good idea to take someone with you who can perhaps listen more objectively whilst the options are presented when you visit a dermatology clinic for a consultation regarding your acne and possible surgical treatments.

Seek and USE Professional Help 

If cysts have formed that are not responding to antibiotics or other drug protocol, surgery may be suggested.

You want to be especially sure to have any surgical intervention done properly in a sterile environment by a fully qualified and competent professional. You may be tempted to self-treat unsightly acne pimples pulsating on a sore and painful face. However, this can and will lead to a worsening of the infection and could cause permanent scarring. The best thing to do is to allow the nurse, dermatologist or beautician help you. They will drain the infected matter from the cyst without introducing more bacteria whilst minimizing the risk of scarring. You have to trust that they know what they are doing.

Peels and scrubs can be used to remove the layer of dead cells which form the outermost layer of the skin.

You will have a choice of over the counter preparations or your doctor may prescribe a stronger solution. In the short term peels and scrubs may improve the appearance of an area affected by acne. You are cautioned however not to over-stimulate the skin as this may well make matters worse in the long run. Only use the stronger, harsher products on acne as advised by your doctor. When it comes to home treatment, stick to the more mild and gentle products that work to calm your skin and your acne condition.

An essential element in the prevention of making your acne worse is how to deal with blocked pores. It is definitely NOT OK to pick and poke at the blackheads on your nose! In order to keep this already unsightly area from getting worse, it needs to be treated professionally. Make an appointment with a beautician and have your pores cleansed gently and safely ensuring that the area treated is then calmed with a soothing antibiotic lotion.

Laser Acne Treatment - The Cutting Edge?

Laser acne treatment can be helpful in serious acne cases. This is another option offered by a suitably trained professional. Laser treatment for acne is still a controversial subject within the medical profession. The laser is applied to the affected area and a skilled technician will vary the intensity of the beam to destroy enlarged and over-active sebaceous glands and refine damaged areas of skin without causing laser burns. If you consider laser acne treatment, do seek a referral from your doctor or dermatologist.

Acne treatments that don't involve drugs tend to be focused on improving the appearance of the skin and removing large, persistent cysts and lesions. Although mainstream medicine has yet to fully endorse the technology, laser treatments for acne claim to treat the underlying cause of acne.

The most important thing to remember is that as an acne sufferer, you are fully informed of your acne treatment options when seeking acne help.

Remember to stay focused on having a clear, beautiful complexion. There IS a treatment that will work for you. Imagine someday soon, basking in the compliments of all your family and friends. Drug-Free Acne Treatment All the best from Toronto Russ Hamel
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Does Laser Treat Acne?

Acne is an incurable problem. It can be treated with medicines and physical procedures but no guarantee can be given that it will not crop again. This is made doctors look at more effective treatments for acne. Laser is one such procedure that is being tried to treat acne quickly. If it succeeds, it can be a big boon not only for acne on face but also acne on the back where it is difficult to apply medication.

Commonly the medicines used to treat acne include- Benzoyl Peroxide, Sulphur, Resorcinol, Salicylic Acid, Vitamin A derivatives such as Tretinoin, Adaplene etc. and other medications that are used topically.

Antibiotics are commonly used orally to treat the inflammation caused by the P. acnes bacteria. Lasers are new entrants in this field. Let us find out the status of lasers in treating acne.

Laser is not used extensively to treat acne. Diode laser has been used to treat acne but the results are not yet conclusive. Diode laser destroys the sebaceous glands and treats acne by stopping any production of sebum.

It is sebum that is blocked by the dead skin and fills a pimple. This sebum then gets infected and the pimple becomes inflamed. By removing/destroying the sebaceous gland, laser removes the root cause of acne. The laser may cause pain but that can be reduced using local anesthetic. Side effects are very mild and temporary and include- redness, swelling etc.

Pulsed dye laser has not given satisfactory results. Some studies have been conducted with lasers but they are not being commonly used to treat acne. If you feel that you can get help from lasers, you should consult your doctor. is an online skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails. A unique feature of this portal is the skin and health quizzes, by which you can test your knowledge about various skin, hair and nail conditions. The most popular topics on the site include acne, hair removal, skin cancers, sweating, surgical procedures, aging, dandruff, etc.
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Top 10 Reasons to Use Argan Oil - Other Than to Fight Wrinkles

Argan oil is one of the hottest ingredients and standalone products in the beauty industry. But did you know that it can be used for more than just fighting wrinkles?

This moroccan miracle oil, as it is often called, contains 80% essential fatty acids (to help reduce inflammation), as well as squalene (to help keep our skin soft), phytosterols (to help protect collagen) and phenolic compounds (to guard against free radicals), making it one of the most versatile beauty products for those of who like to keep our beauty routines simple or who want to want to remain budget conscious.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons to use argan oil, other than to reduce lines and wrinkles (which, by the way, it does beautifully):

1. Soften dry, cracked skin Argan oil has a very high content of unsaturated fatty acids, even more so than shea butter, making it the perfect all-over face, hand and body moisturizer.

2. Help prevent stretch marks Simply use as you would any other stretch mark cream. The oil absorbs extremely easily and doesn't leave any oily residue.

3. Lighten scars With regular use, argan oil can help lighten scars and acne marks.

4. Balance sebum production Although an oil, it is non-comedogenic, meaning that it does not clog pores.

5. Relieve eczema and psoriasis Argan oil is one of the world's richest natural sources of vitamin E, so is a great treatment for a variety of skin conditions.

6. Soften cuticles Leave on overnight for best results.

7. Condition hair With its great moisturizing abilities, this oil makes a great intensive hair conditioner and can even be used to help split ends.

8. Alleviate dry, itchy scalp Apply to scalp and wrap head in a warm towel for 30 minutes or overnight to soothe irritation.

9. Soothe irritated baby skin A great alternative to chemical-based baby oils.

10. Use as a culinary oil Add flavor and health benefits when you drizzle argan oil over fish and vegetables (it's not suitable for heating though).

As you can see, argan oil serves a multitude of purposes. For additional tips on how to use it as well as a review of the best argan oils, including raw and organic brands, visit Raw and Organic Argan Oil.
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Look Young Again by Using Argan Morocco Oil to Improve Your Skin's Health

Even though I just entered my 30s, I have some wrinkles and lines on my face I wanted to deal with before they got worse. I saw Argan Morocco Oil and decided to look into it. I found Argan Morocco Oil helped improve my skin's health and provided necessary nutrients for smooth and healthy skin.

This oil comes from the Argania Spinosa tree, which is found in Morocco. People use the ingredients to improve their skin's health by moisturizing and strengthening elasticity. In Morocco, women use Argan Moroccan oil as a part of their beauty regime. Just as the rest of your body needs nourishment, this oil replenishes the skin and protects it from UV rays and premature aging. It contains saponins which softens the skin and eases any acne or eczema. It will help restore the skin's water lipid layer, which will minimize wrinkles or stretch marks.

Argan Morocco oil is made up of ingredients that benefit the body. It's developed from a natural source, allowing benefits synthetic drugs can't create. The oil has twice as much vitamin E than olive oil and is rich in antioxidants, which defuse free radicals and protect against skin damage. The oil is 80 percent unsaturated and is made up of eight different essential fatty acids, including Omega 6, which isn't created by the body.

While Moroccan Argan oil has countless benefits, it isn't always easy to pick up. It's not something you're necessarily going to find at your local drugstore. The best place is to go online and order this oil. Some of the new beauty products are also starting to include the oil in its creation. I found Argan oil to be beneficial to moisturizing my skin and helping it to remain healthy - I was already looking younger!

Frans Nieuwenhuis is a writer and researcher on natural health products such as Argan Moroccan oil. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this skin care product at Fran's blog:
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Dry Skin Care - 6 Effective Methods

Are you feeling your skin tight after washing and with no wet feeling when you touch on it? Do your skin itching after bathing, especially the ribs, limbs and back? Have your body skin peeling at sometime? If your answer is positive, then you have dry skin problems. This article will talk briefly about the reasons to cause dry skin and how to prevent it.

Normal skin moisture content should be 25%. But today's urban women, the skin moisture content has fallen to about 15%. As the estrogen level falls, reduction of sebum secretion, and decline in the ability of skin retain moisture, so that the skin becomes dry. Excessive use of skin care products is one of the factors which make the skin reduced ability to secrete lipid, resulting in dry and lacks of water.

Tips for dry skin

Dry and sensitive skin can not use the cleaning products with strong cleansing. Water soluble non foam Cleanser is most suitable for this type of skin. Skin expert explained that the key to sensitive skin is not the bubble, but the foaming agent used in their own skin type and tolerance.

Oily Skin

To solve the problem of skin out of oil may start from a clean. Choose the best cleansing product can effectively remove excess oil, but not too stimulating the skin. Facial Cleanser with oil control balancing role is the best choice for oily skin, rich and delicate bubbles can penetrate deep clean pores.

Tips: When using the oil-control cleanser, too much to wash will only remove the protective film on the skin epidermis, resulting in skin dryness, redness, out of the oil.

After heavy makeup

Skin care experts believe that the correct cleaning method is able to effectively remove dirt and deep dead skin cells, clear the pores to promote blood and lymph circulation, and thus improving the skin dull, rough and other conditions.

Drew heavy makeup of the skin, alone Cleanser is not enough, it is best to use Cleansing Oil, instead of Make-up Remover. When selecting Cleansing Oil for oily skin, choose the main components of mineral and synthetic esters, strong cleansing, and you can wash away the excess secretion of oils at the same time. More popular of Cleansing Oil on the market today is based on vegetable oil as an important component, it is safe, non-irritating, and any skin type can be used.

After cleansing, use a mild cleanser to complete the "second clean", wash away the Cleansing Oil and remain makeup on the face.

Tips: Wet the face with warm water, so that pores open in order to in-depth pore cleansing. Second, drain the water with a dry towel, because Cleansing Oil emulsified with water, will lose their cleaning. Last, after using the Cleansing Oil, it is not appropriate massage; wash with warm water after 1 minute.

Fast Skin Care

Facial Soap and cleansing mousse is suitable for those people who want clean their face in the shortest time to achieve the best cleaning results. In fact, the cleaning power of soap was found in a long time ago, but most people used a coarse alkaline soap, the skin will be tight, and even a slight feeling of pain, it also wash away the oils that needed for the skin.

With regards to this, "soap-free" and "weak-acid" of these two concepts have been proposed. Therefore, you should paid attention to whether these two words when choosing facial soap and cleansing mousse or prolonged use of alkaline (PH value of approximately 8) for cleaning products can easily lead to a variety of skin conditions or aggravate dry.

Tips: Facial soap, sometimes will be adding so-called "nutrients" such as plant and animal oils and fats, mineral oils, vitamins and moisturizing agents. Although the sound stimulus reduced for facial soap, but it also may make the skin a heavy burden, lack of effective cleaning.

Facial Care

With 2 to 3 times a week for exfoliating and deep cleansing mask can avoid grease accumulation and remove the top layer of dead epidermis cells to help the skin to better metabolism, maintain a natural, healthy state.

Tips: Exfoliating and deep cleansing mask is not often used, oily and mixed skin use 1-2 times a week, dry skin one time per week is sufficient.

Argan Oil and Facial Beauty

Argan oil can make the skin moist, soft and renewed vitality, but also to prevent dry skin. It can reduce the cracks and fissures caused by the cold of winter, and help to anti-wrinkle. It can clean the skin and acne, and make the skin even more solid, bright and shiny.

Age, climate change, lack of sleep, fatigue, hot bath, and strong alkaline detergents are the important reason for dry skin. To enhance the daily skin carereasonable diet, drink plenty of water, etc. is always a good way to prevent dry skin.

Emu Oil, is considered to be one of very good natural product to prevent dry skin.
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Homemade Acne Treatment That Works Fast - Herbal Remedies For Acne!

I don't think that skin care is supposed to be costly; as a matter of fact homemade acne treatment that works fast can just be as effective like those trendy store brands. As organic and all-natural products are increasing in popularity, many folks are now beginning to realize that they can recreate the same blends for much less in their own homes.

Keep on reading if would like to learn more about great homemade acne remedies you can discover right at your backyard.

- One of the ways on how to stop acne is by using lemon. Lemon is an antiseptic, astringent and a cleanser.1 or 2 drops will dry off acne overnight, leaving little more spot of red that will diminish later on.

If you want to make use of this treatment, just squeeze a few drops either directly on your acne or to a cotton ball and apply. Don't make the mistake of applying it on unaffected acne skin because it can dry out your skin. So try to employ it only on the affected part and on isolated pimples.

- Another at home acne treatment is oatmeal. There is a reason lots of natural skin care manufacturers make an oatmeal scrub - it cleanses the skin, sloughs off lifeless skin cells and dramatically reduces blackheads. To make an oatmeal scrub, just mix oatmeal and water to a paste. Then, softly scrub it and clean it with water.

- Apple cider vinegar is great homemade acne treatment that works fast and a superb toner substitute. Apple cider vinegar is well-known to lighten the skin, balance out your skin tone, decreases blackheads and make the pores appear smaller and more refined. Try to dilute it with 1 part water to 2 parts apple cider vinegar because it is very powerful.

- One more acne natural remedy is toothpaste. Though not as natural as the other home treatment for acne listed above but a dab of toothpaste is a great way to decrease the size and forming of another. If you are prone to acne breakouts as a result of stress or before an important event, just apply a small amount of toothpaste directly to the pimple. It will dry out the pimple. Also akin to lemon juice, don't apply it to the whole face or any other place than the affected part.

- Try an egg white mask to curtail the appearance of pores. Just mix together one egg white, a teaspoon of honey, a couple drops of lemon juice and then smooth it over your face. Allow the mask for about fifteen minutes or until you feel it dry. Then peel it off and wash your face.

- Drinking much water is perhaps the best and least expensive amongst the homemade acne treatment that works fast. Endeavor to drink at least eight glasses of water daily for good looking skin. Of all skin treatments, every day drinking of water is the most effective of all over the long term home acne treatments.

Bruce Dan is a prolific writer who enjoys using his leisure time to write articles on herbal acne treatment to educate other sufferers. He was a victim of acne and after setting himself free with Homemade Acne Treatment he felt he should help others as well set themselves free through his articles.

You can learn how he did it at his blog
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The Facts About Tea Tree Oil Acne Treatment

Many believe in the power of alternative treatments to help cure a variety of conditions; an example of which is the belief that when one uses tea oil, acne is lessened or maybe even cured. But what are the bases for such belief and how is tea tree oil used in treating acne? To better understand the answer to these questions, one must get to know oil first.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea oil is a pale yellow to clear essential oil taken from the leaves of the tree or Melalueca alternifolia. It is native to the coast of New South Wales in Australia. The leaves of the tree were first utilized as treatment for coughs and colds. Leaves from the tree were gathered and crushed to extract the oil before being inhaled in the hopes of curing coughs and colds.

Later on, with the advent of more efficient technologies for oil extraction, the uses of tea tree oil expanded. It was a traditional remedy for body odor, athlete's foot, cold sores and bad breath. Studies have shown that the oil from the plant had antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties when it is applied topically.

Oil and Acne

In addition to the aforementioned traditional uses, tea oil acne treatment is another popular application of the product. For quite a long period of time now, some people have been using tea tree oil as a way for them to manage their acne problems. The secret lies within the oil's very popular antimicrobial properties that have been found by some studies to be as effective as a 5 percent solution of benzoyl peroxide in managing acne symptoms. Tea oil is said to be capable of eliminating Propionobacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for infection and inflammation of the clogged pores during acne development.

Given the previously mentioned facts, how then should one proceed in using tea oil as a treatment for pimples? Because tea tree oil, when applied directly to the skin in its pure form, causes redness, blistering and itching, the most common formulation is a 5 percent tea tree oil solution. This is prepared by mixing 5 parts of the oil to 95 parts water. A number of commercially tree products are also available for people who do not want to experiment with the solution's formulations.

Given the facts, one could assume that an all-natural treatment like oil is the best option when it comes to managing acne. But like every product, there are concerns that need to be known before using oil. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is the fact that tea tree oil is a topical treatment and it should never be swallowed or consumed. Furthermore, one should make sure that he or she is not allergic to tea tree oil. Allergic reactions may be triggered if one uses tea tree oil right away without checking first.

While it is true that oil has been found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of acne, one should still remember that it does not completely cure it. It is there to provide individuals with a simpler and less expensive solution for their acne problems. For those seeking a relatively safer and easier alternatives, tea tree oil acne treatment is surely worth a try.

Are you looking for more information regarding tea tree oil acne? Visit today!
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3 Lesser Known Natural Remedies for Quick Acne Scar Removal

So you suffer from acne? Or maybe you had an acne outbreak recently? You know well as do I that acne in itself is no major deal! Millions of people suffer from it from time to time! The acne pimples don't even last long enough to annoy people; what is actually annoying is the deep scars, blackheads and whiteheads that are left once the pimples get healed (due to excessive inflammation of skin; it does not matter which kind of acne you have, you WILL get scars, nonetheless)! However, there is no need to hide your face in shame as in this article I am going to tell you how to recover the original beauty of your skin by getting rid of acne scars once and for all!

One of the suggestions I should give you right away is that: if you don't want to worsen your acne scars then please stop picking your pimples! I KNOW that pimples can be extremely itchy and annoying, but trust me, the more you pick them, the more irritation your skin will suffer, and the more scars you will have! If the irritation is too much to bear then you should urgently consult a dermatologist for relief from the irritation!

As for the acne scars: a lot of people would advise you to go for chemical-based treatments such as microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, etc. These treatments are hugely popular among acne sufferers because they offer some quick relief by hiding the acne scars; the downsides to these treatments though, are many: first, they are expensive, second the results you achieve from these treatments are usually temporary - you would have to go regularly for treatments which would add to the overall cost, and thirdly, they come with their respective side facts - therefore, they are unsuitable for all people! Most importantly, why would you even bother with chemical treatments when there are so many cheaper, natural treatments available for removing acne blemishes!

Milk and Nutmeg: If you want to have a clean skin sans the scars, then apply this treatment at least four times a day on the affected areas. Very soon you would notice that acne scars have become a thing of past for you! Milk and nutmeg not only help alleviate acne scars but also removes them gradually from your skin, leaving only young, supple tissues to grow! It is one of the most painless and inexpensive treatments available out there, and what is more, it does not come with any side-effect either!

Iodine: iodine is one of the nest natural remedies for treating acne scars; unfortunately, very few people are aware of this fact. The treatment is simpler than you would think: once your pimple bursts, gently message iodine on the wound (usually, the scars appear after the wound is healed, so the right time to apply this treatment is when you have that wound). You would notice its positive effects after just a couple of days of its application!

Apple Cider Vinegar: One of the most popular forms of acne scar treatments offered by nature, this would help you get rid of your acne blemishes and blackheads fast! Simply wash your face with the solution twice a day (or more often, if you like).

The best thing about these natural treatments is that most of the ingredients you need are probably already available in your kitchen; if not, you can easily buy them from your local supermarket at a very minimal cost!

Now, whoever said that acne scar removal treatments have to cost an arm and a leg?

To learn about more acne scar treatments, please visit:
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Dermatologist Skin Clinic Treatments - Acne Scars Quick Facts

Finding minimally invasive treatment options which help to remove blemishes on the face, neck, chest, and other areas of the body has become easier with a number of topical skin treatment systems. There are a number of options available and most involve the use of certain acids which have been shown to help slough off old skin cells and prevent new melanin from forming on the skin.

One treatment regimen is called cosmelan and has been used to treat all sorts of skin blemishes, such as age spots, scars, brown sun spots, uneven skin tones, melasma, and a number of other conditions. The treatment involves utilizing potent berry acids and acids of various kinds, as well as skin soothers, to help the skin to rejuvenate while effectively moisturizing and aiding the healing process. The treatment involves a three product process which includes a mask which helps to initially jump start the skin rejuvenation process. This initial treatment is performed under the care of a trained skin care specialist or dermatologist at a skin clinic.

The mask is usually worn for up to eight hours. The time frame can depend on the skin type and the skin's condition. The more the patient wants to remove, the longer the mask may be worn, but eight hours is the typical maximum amount of time. During the time that the mask is worn, the patient may be able to leave and go home, completing the rest of the treatment at home. The cosmelan kit is given to the patient, including a high potency cream to remove marks, a maintenance cream to sustain the results, and a nutrient rich cream to help facilitate radiant and healthy skin.

The cosmelan skin care routine is one which requires continual application, meaning that it is a lifestyle skin care regimen and is not a one time treatment. Patients that are looking for a means to sustain radiant skin over a long term period would do well with cosmelan. The treatment is easy to fit into one's lifestyle and is highly effective, using some of the highest quality skin lighteners and rejuvenators that are available in the skin care field. There are of course benefits and risks associated with every treatment however so it is important to gain a full understanding of whatever route taken. There are a number of options available that are minimally invasive. Some of the drawbacks with this treatment option is that is requires a commitment to the topical application of creams which may not be preferred to a one time treatment. With many skin clinics, dermatologists offer treatments a few times and maintenance is not as necessary. However, which most any skin rejuvenation process, maintenance is the only way to fully maintain the appearance of the skin.

To make sure that any one treatment option is right for your skin type and condition, consulting with a trusted dermatologist to discuss your skin and what your desired goals are is a great idea. There are a number of options available so asking plenty of questions can help to inform you of what is out there. Furthermore, conducting personal research on the available products is a great way to determine what will work best for you.

More information on cosmelan and a dermatologist in your area is just a click away.
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Holistic Acne Treatments - 5 Facts the Medical Establishment Won't Tell You About Acne Medications

Would holistic acne treatments get rid of your pimples? Acne, unlike a lot of embarrassing conditions, is virtually impossible to hide. If you have pimples and blackheads on your face, they are often the first things someone sees when they meet you. And yet, despite thousands of desperate acne sufferers and all the medical advances in the world today, there is still no definitive acne cure.

So what about a holistic or natural approach? Many medical professionals will tell you that natural treatments are based on old wives' tales, but there are many shortcomings of common acne drugs that are swept under the rug. Here are five concerns about conventional acne medications that are causing more and more people to seek holistic acne cures:
  1. Meds often prescribed for acne likesulfur-based drugs and antibiotics don't always work. This is probably the biggest frustration for patients. They finally take the step of getting medical help, but their zits and pimples don't go away. Doctors might want patients to take a drug for three or four months before concluding that it isn't working.

  2. Conventional medications for acne can make your skin much worse,especially in the short term. Common side effects of these acne treatments are burning, stinging, redness, and the peeling of skin.

  3. Prolonged usage can lead to other serious health problems. A man in New Jersey recently was awarded $25 million because his acne medication gave him a bowel disorder that resulted in having his colon removed. There are strict warnings that women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant should not use the drugs, and other side effect warnings include psychosis, blindness, and cardiovascular issues.

  4. Antibiotic resistance: this is an under-the-radar medical problem that is gradually getting more attention. Because of the widespread (and sometimes unnecessary) use of antibiotics for acne and other conditions, bacteria are developing that are resistant to the most widely prescribed antibiotics. This leaves patients susceptible to infections that are nearly untreatable.

  5. Even when conventional medications are effective, they are simply covering up the symptoms of a more widespread imbalance within the body. Most acne sufferers are understandably so desperate for results that they are unconcerned about this, but holistic acne treatments take the entire body into account.
Therefore, while a conventional treatment might try to eliminate an unwanted condition like acne, it often does so at the expense of other bodily processes (which is why acne drugs can have horrific side effects).

 Meanwhile, people undergoing a holistic acne treatment can get clear skin while also experiencing a broader range of health benefits like weight loss, increased energy, and a stronger resistance to illness.

For more information on holistic acne treatments that have led to success for many patients, click here to go to and learn about a step-by-step program created by a member of the American Holistic Health Association.
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Tips And Facts For Fast Acne Treatment

There are inner and outer factors that cause acne, and they vary between individuals. If you are suffering from acne, you are not alone. Acne affects between 40 and 50 million people in the USA. Acne treatments that work are as diverse as there are people, but outcomes more importantly depend on your skin type too.

Here are some basics that will help to clear up your acne faster. You can easily do these few steps regardless if you have an acne prescription or if you are using OTC treatments.

1. Cleanliness is a must. Keep your hair out of your face and don't put your hands on your face after touching surfaces.

2. Use an acne cleanser. These cleansers are designed for different skin types. There's bound to be one that fits yours. The best acne cleansers have a combination or a large portion of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, sulfur and azelaic acid.

The most vital and strongest combination of the ingredients listed above used for fast acne treatment are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. In July 2010, it was discovered (by the American Academy of Dermatology) that benzoyl peroxide used along with salicylic acid showed better results than a prescription product.

3. There has been plenty of conflicting opinions on whether diet affects acne. You can safely surmise that there is a great possibility that it does. The Washington Center For Clinical Research, and Department of Medicine-George Washington School of Medicine have recently declared that through well-designed, controlled and prospective studies, research has supported a link between acne and our dietary habits. Whether it is a big or small link is still out for debate.

4. The University of Miami conducted a research study in April 2009. This study was published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. It concluded that a topical 2% green tea lotion, used twice a day on the affected areas, greatly reduced minimal to moderate acne lesions after an episode of six weeks. Some natural extracts proven to heal skin (and may help induce faster healing of acne) are green tea (it kills bacteria), passion flower (it reduces inflammation), aloe vera (it soothes irritated skin), sage extract (it fights free radicals) and gotu kola (it improves skin healing).

An important factor you should remember is that all advice should be individualized, and both you and your dermatologist must be aware of the benefits, limitations and side effects of the different treatments for acne.

If you are looking for a fast acne treatment, check out this website to learn how to get rid of your acne problems naturally and permanently.
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