Get Rid of Chest Acne

Chest acne is a common skin condition that affects both adults and adolescents. Bacteria and germs are the prime cause of acne on the chest and back area, because the chest is often covered it can provide and it can retain dirt much longer than the face. It can also become irritated through certain types of clothes which may contribute to acne. The most common causes of chest acne are high levels of stress, tight fitting clothes, pollution, medications, hormonal changes, and genes.

Living a stressful life can greatly contribute to acne because it creates imbalances in the body. One of the best ways to prevent this condition is by living a healthy and balanced life, also be sure to get adequate sleep.

Pollution can be another cause because a large amount of dust and dirt flying through the air will almost certainly cause your skin to break out in pimples. Breathing polluted air is also harmful for the body and should be avoided if possible.

Tight fitting clothes can irritate the skin and also cause acne. When the clothes rubs back and forth on your skin it can cause you to sweat and that oil from your skin will seep into the open pores. This leads to clogging and breakouts on the skin. Additionally, hot clothing can also cause the skin to perspire heavily which can create a breeding ground for bacteria. If you are in a humid climate you should try to wear clothes that will keep your body cool. Make sure to wash your clothes regularly as well. The chest area is much less sensitive that other acne-prone areas like the face so you'll be able to use stronger soaps to help combat it. You shouldn't use body soap if you have acne or your chest may become dry, try to avoid picking the pimples as well.

Hormonal changes that cause acne usually occur during the adolescent stage although some adults may have hormonal acne as well. Women who are pregnant sometimes get acne as well. Genes also play a large role in acne conditions, if your parents or brothers and sisters had acne you probably will too. There are a number of methods you can use to fight this type of acne, by researching you'll be able to find numerous ways how to get rid of chest acne. The same method won't work for everybody so if one doesn't work try another.

If you want to be acne free and get rid of chest acne follow the links highlighted.
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